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Hmr, wind and shooting down hill?


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Hi all,


Just wondered if shooting down hill with the Hmr, in your experience will it affect the bullet drop, ie hitting a little high.

Also there was a slight breeze about 8mph, mixing things up. This was all over about 100yards.


I ask because I zeroed on a still day shooting down a hill the other day and it was spot on. And it was mixed today even allowing for wind. Maybe I need to clean the barrel? as it was brand new when I zeroed??

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Shooting downhill is the same as uphill IF wind doesn't come into it, the range for the trajectory arc is the horizontal distance in both. To aim high or low depends on were you are in relation to line of sight but generally over 100 with a 100 yds zero if the horizontal range was 80 you would impact as per that range ie high as that 80yds is peak trajectory with most HMR rigs.

Wind can effect trajectory especially on hills most evident with a head wind blowing up hill directly towards you. The amount of windage you give regardless of horizontal range must always be in relation to the path the bullet follows not the shortened horizonal range. Side winds from the left or right traveling up a slope can either raise your bullet if it gets under the spin rotation or depress it if over the spin at normal HMR ranges of 100 yds you might not notice it unless the wind was realy blowing and the slope was perfectly placed though. Following winds can speed a bullet, head winds slow one down but again at HMR ranges you wouldn't generally allow anything in the way of trajectory

Its very hard to explain all this without producing a lot of text and diagrams

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Dekers, read it no mention of wind and its interaction with slopes



Errr I did, it is a guide to the static effect of shooting in given situations, it makes no mention of a lot of things, like general weather conditions, height above sea level, pressure, humidity, temperature, heat eddies, shooting across water, wind etc.


It just explains an area many fail to understand quite well.


One step at a time seems ok to me, this up and down shooting has caused a mass of confusion and pub debates over the years!





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Dekers, read it no mention of wind and its interaction with slopes



Errr I did, it is a guide to the static effect of shooting in given situations, it makes no mention of a lot of things, like general weather conditions, height above sea level, pressure, humidity, temperature, heat eddies, shooting across water, wind etc.


It just explains an area many fail to understand quite well.


One step at a time seems ok to me, this up and down shooting has caused a mass of confusion and pub debates over the years!







The example that i have shown is a simple and easy to understand guide as to why you shoot high up or down a hill,i find it is best to show the basics,and then when the person has digested these he has a firm foundation to build his learning on,giving some one a crash course in the behaviour of a round is enough to start and then he will look for other reasons why he is off target once he has corrected the basics,and will look for the answers himself.

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Wesh1, nothing wrong with you post or info. Dekers is just looking to find what isn't there again ;)



What are you spouting on about, you are the one dissing the post, I think you will find I gave it a :good: indicating it was a good useful post! You criticised it on the wind front, I am not looking to find anything wrong with it, you did, go back and read!

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What are you spouting on about, you are the one dissing the post, I think you will find I gave it a :good: indicating it was a good useful post! You criticised it on the wind front, I am not looking to find anything wrong with it, you did, go back and read!


No critisism of the link, only pointed out to youself that it did not answer all the op's questions. Whats with the trolling at present?

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