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1st attempt at Ballistic Gel


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Hi All,


Thought I would try and make some ballistic gel. I looked around on the internet and got the general idea on how to make it then headed to tesco (told the wife we needed milk to justify the journey :rolleyes: )


Once home I started and this was the result.




I then shot at it with the .22lr once with a Winchester sub and then with a Winchester HV the picture below is the HV round in the top quarter.




The sub was also sent in to the gel and passed through. The distance was 55 meters for both shots.


Thanks for looking



Edited by Daz2381
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The recipe is as follows,


Dr Oetker Gelatine, Water. post-18514-0-86403400-1314986549.jpg


The geletine was 10% of the water weight so I had 200g of geletine to 2kg of water.


Firstly I used warm tap water all 2kg and added the 200g of geletine and stired to desolve (most of it)


It then went in to the fridge for 2 hours (its now like jelly)


filled the sink with hot tap water and placed the bowl in the water to melt the solution this took about 30 mins. (the solution is clearer now but still that brown in colour.)


place it in to the mould (mine was a 2kg marg tub)


Put it in the fridge for minimum of 12 hours.


I did read to have it smell better and last longer use a drop of oil of wintertree.


The block you have seen has been melted down in the sink and reset in the mould for use again :good:


Hope this helps also if someone has a better solution please post.

On my next go I will up the geletine content to 20%


Take it easy



Edited by Daz2381
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