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Gamo CFX Reviews ???


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I've just been reading the review on this gun CFX-combo.jpg and the reviews on it seem to be 50/50 :s some people says its the best thing since sliced bread and the others clame there's fell apart after a matter of weeks , anybody actually OWNED this model of Gamo and could tell me there review on accuracy ect.



sry to meither but i dont wana throw money away on silly rifles again

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I have looked at this myself and asked a similar question. The Gamo is spanish arm of BSA so does have a good pedigree. For info, Gamo is actually translates as 'stag' in spanish.


The bottom line is they are full legal power and very accurate. They are a lot of rifle for the money. One critiscm was that the springs are weak and would be better replaced for a better spring (cost...£18).


If i didn't already have two new rifles I would defo consider it.


In fact somebody on here is selling one. Have you looked through the 'for sale' section on here yet?

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lol dont worry i checked the review be4 i pressed buy just to make sure and i saw the 50/50 review so i have not yet actually ordered it i want to but dont wana be disapointed if i do have you actually shot 1 before ? or maybe someone you know who has 1 ? i need to be reasured lol



p.s no i have not check the for sale section , i will do now though

Edited by RoBBo
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what the heck does groups mean when your talking about a gun ?







- newbie :angry:


A good group is when the pellets bunch up in a really small space on a piece of card or paper eg 0.5" inch diameter of pellets in a 5/10 shot group at 25 yards

Edited by beatingisbest
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If a rifle exceeds 12 ft/lbs of power it is classed a section 1 firearm and would need to be on a firearms certificate. (FAC) So 11 ft/lbs is a good power because it less likely to accidently go over the limit. If your gun is found to be to powerful then you will have it destroyed and could face jail. :good: It's best to be safe. :angry:


I expect somebody who knows more about the law than me will explain it better. :angry:


FM :good:

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