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Can nitro proof barrels shoot black powder?


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If a gun is nitro proofed to shoot say 32g (ounce and an eighth) with a modern cartridge, will it be able to shoot a black power cartridge of a similar load?


Would it have to be black powder proofed too or just nitro proof?


I was under the impression that modern cartridges put more stress on the barrels than a black powder cartridge in the same load, is this true?


I have an Army & Navy hammer gun with steel barrels that are nitro proofed up to an ounce and an eighth (32g). I wanted to try a few black powder cartridges on special occasions and I didn’t want to damage the gun :no:


Any suggestions? :hmm:

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If a gun is nitro proofed to shoot say 32g (ounce and an eighth) with a modern cartridge, will it be able to shoot a black power cartridge of a similar load? Yes


Would it have to be black powder proofed too or just nitro proof? Just nitro proof


I was under the impression that modern cartridges put more stress on the barrels than a black powder cartridge in the same load, is this true? Yes

I have an Army & Navy hammer gun with steel barrels that are nitro proofed up to an ounce and an eighth (32g). I wanted to try a few black powder cartridges on special occasions and I didn’t want to damage the gun :no:


Any suggestions? :hmm:


My only suggestion is to make sure you thoroughly clean the barrels with copious amounts of water after you've shot black down them as water is the only stuff that'll get rid of it.


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**** that for a laugh, I'll stick to normal cartridges. Sounds like a nightmare shooting black powder.


Maybe that's why some many old guns are in a right ol state with heavily pitted barrels after shooting black powder.


Thanks for your advice. I might slip one into my Dads pocket when he shoots his new Miroku fir the first time this weekend 

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**** that for a laugh, I'll stick to normal cartridges. Sounds like a nightmare shooting black powder.


Maybe that's why some many old guns are in a right ol state with heavily pitted barrels after shooting black powder.


Indeed its highly corrosive and the reason shotgun cleaning (as well as any other blackpowder firearm) was essential, modern nitro powders and chrome lined barrels minimalise the risk of corrosion.


IF you do decide to shoot some BP read this first http://www.ehow.com/how_2071944_clean-black-powder-firearm.html

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