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baffle diameter


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anyone help with this.would a 243 mod be suitable on 223?as the chap states the diameter of the mods exit hole is a tight fit with a 6mm bullet would i be correct in asumming this would be .25 cal ?i am not very up to date with the technical side of moderators so thought id seek the wisdom of pw members cheers lads.

Edited by foxnet22
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Its fairly std practice to use up to a 6mm clearance baffle on .22 cf.mods and .30 cal on anything over and up to. If you look at the very long established moderator manufacturers they dont do tight calibre specific baffles. Baffles remember are meant to deflect and cool the gasses not give the bullet a squeeze! Any slight mis alighnment of the thread to bore or even if the moderator works a tad loose could create contact on tight baffles. Remember .223 is 5.56mm .243 is 6mm not that different in fairness :good:

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