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Using the same brand of pellet


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Just recently purchased a Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston .22 and I have been using RWS Superdome pellets to good effect.(Picked RWS on advice from dealer)


As I was nearing the end of the tin of .22 a fellow shooter at the range said to stick with the same brand of pellet if possible (especially as this was a new rifle).


I can kind of see why this would make sense but would like other peoples opinions on this topic and if this benefits the rifle.


Even more so to see if this is advisable I will be acquiring an Air Arms S410 Superlight carbine .22 in the not to distant future.


Thanks in advance (sorry if this question has been asked before, I am new to pigeon watch and airgunning)



Edited by blim3y
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Different barrels have different results from different pellets.

Most experiment with a few different types to see what produces the best groups but then, yes stick to the same one's for consistency. A 14.3 grain Crosman might not have the same point of impact as a 16 grain AA Field at say 30 yds (in .22)so swapping around will throw off your zero as well as losing the consistency you get from using a single pellet type.

Experiment by all means, but then stop fiddling. LOL

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Look around at my previous posts on the subject of pellets. Essentially if you wish to experiment do so. Look at the results and then pick the most accurtae affordable pellet for your needs. Then do not mess. As an aside we have used only RWS product (domes and points) based on RFD recommendation at purchase - reasonable price and very acceptable results. Rabbit, squirrel, rat, pigeon and corvid body count is good.

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Thx all for your input. Just recently joined a air rifle club where quite a few of the members slated the rws pellets I was using as rubbish whilst looking down their nose at me using a what " Benjamin trail" pfff. Albeit it is looking a bit rubbish compared to their daystates etc. Plus the scope is on ****** no wonder I keep missing. I came away last night with confidence at a all time low !!!

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Thx all for your input. Just recently joined a air rifle club where quite a few of the members slated the rws pellets I was using as rubbish whilst looking down their nose at me using a what " Benjamin trail" pfff. Albeit it is looking a bit rubbish compared to their daystates etc. Plus the scope is on ****** no wonder I keep missing. I came away last night with confidence at a all time low !!!

Hi blim3y, with that sort of attitude i would look for another club

not every body can afford super guns so we slould help

and encourage newcomers not put them off the sport,

keep at it and prove them wrong safe and happier shooting

atb brian

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Thx for your kind words, going to stick at it, most of them are welcoming and helpful and it's early days yet I suppose. Good to find such a wealth of help from these forums.


Just trying to adjust my scope so it is level using spirit levels. Get it spot on then tighten hex bolts (diagonally), recheck scope and the levels says it's off again. Obviously as I am tightening them the scope is shifting. Time to revisit RFD again and let them sort it properly. Was told it could be on crooked due to the way the person who first mounted scope looks through it. Would of thought you would put it on dead level in the first place ! Excuse to go and look at that AA S410 again, maybe in the next month or so if I can convince the wife it's all in a good cause :)

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