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Ex right handed shooters


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Hi All,


After a ticket to buy a new gun (My link) I need to make a choice.


I can't shoot with both eyes open with my right eye, as in can't physically/medically can't, I'm right handed and left eye dominant, so shut my dominant eye to shoot.


Should I try shooting left handed, after spending a grand or so on a left cast? Or just keep going with what I'm doing?


Just wondering how many people have converted to left handed shooting, I also have to think I shoot rifle a lot, which doesn't impact as much as I shut an eye anyway.

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If your shooting isn't too bad then I would say stick to what you know.


I have changed a few times due to a bad shoulder and collerbone.


I find it easy enough to chop and change using an ambidex stock or different shims in the semi.


No need to spend loads

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If your shooting isn't too bad then I would say stick to what you know.


I have changed a few times due to a bad shoulder and collerbone.


I find it easy enough to chop and change using an ambidex stock or different shims in the semi.


No need to spend loads



Thanks for both the replies, even though they contrast.


I'm buying a new gun either way, its just whether I try leftie or not.


To be honest my shooting with shotgun isn't too good, I don't do too bad on pigeon, but not the best say 1:3 on a good day, my clay has never come on well after a few years.


Its hard to explain, but I don't use my right eye unless I 'choose' to and have to actually focus with it when I do 'use' it, I've tried to explain it several times, I have a 2D world apparently.

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If I were you I think I would go for left hand.

Is there anyway you could have a go with a left handed gun before you buy?

It may help your decision.


Good luck with whichever you go for

Edited by TJ91
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If I were you I think I would go for left hand.

Is there anyway you could have a go with a left handed gun before you buy?

It may help your decision.


Good luck with whichever you go for


Yes there is, I have a left hand Beretta SP111 sporter you can have a go with at say Doveridge? shame to spend a load if it does not work out. Let me know if of any use.


atvb Paul.

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