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Name for Male and Female Jay

Moors Man

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Hi Everyone


Have no idea if this is the correct section. My son has been asked for his coursework the names given to both the male and female Jay. I have struugled to find this having checked every web site I can thiunk of. Any ideads would be gratefully recieved.


Moors Man

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I don't think there are names for them, they even look the same.


Probably a trick question, I'd just put "cock" and "hen" :P


Not sure I thought of cock and hen but its part of a BTECH course, his Tutor doesn't know the answer and said the Latin Names are OK but just wondered if anyone knew the answer.

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Not sure I thought of cock and hen but its part of a BTECH course, his Tutor doesn't know the answer and said the Latin Names are OK but just wondered if anyone knew the answer.



I still don't think they have a name for male and female.


Latin name Gallurus Glandarius or whatever it is, will be the same for both.


Sounds like a cocked-up question to me, wouldn't be the first time the intellectuals will have made a balls of it.


Either that or there's some daft local dialect name from Hicksville somewhere, the hayseeds probably call them "Doris" and "Bert" but it's not fair to expect anyone from the rest of the country to know that. <_<

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