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bird chasing - advice

darren m

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i need a bit of training advice

my springer bitch , was a *** on saturday .

during the last 2 drives she decieded to chase birds in the sky flying overhead.

i was blanking off a cover crop when there was a big flush with birds over head .

i happened to be on the radio and did,nt see her go , she just could,nt help her self and away she went , i didnt notice until she was 40 yards behind me running towards the guns

got her back and bo**ocked her big style :blush: .


next drive she did the same again and managed to reach a downed bird and retrieve it , i was embaressed and fuming but i could,nt do anything because she had bought the bird back , after that she went on the lead..


now shes always watched the skys but as never ever shown any inclination to chase airborn birds. normally she will sit and look or maybe fidghit about a bit

is there anything i can do ??


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As some one else will probably tell you back to basics mate. Enforce the stop whistle and watch her closely,and suspicions that she is gonna do a runner blow the stop whistle take her mind of the birds over head then cast her of in opposite direction.Thats what i would do, may not be the ideal thing but it would stop future embarresment and no one would think anyting of you stopping your dog but what would they think about you having to chase after her? Good luck and keep us updated as to how you get on.

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shes 3 this week

dont know if going right back to basics can help with this except of course stop whistle , shes had plenty of birds flushed over her in the last 3 seasons and have shot over her ( pigeons ) too , she was 1st out at 14 months .

i,ll just have to glue her ar*e to the floor a bit better :hmm:

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i need a bit of training advice

my springer bitch , was a *** on saturday .

during the last 2 drives she decieded to chase birds in the sky flying overhead.

i was blanking off a cover crop when there was a big flush with birds over head .

i happened to be on the radio and did,nt see her go , she just could,nt help her self and away she went , i didnt notice until she was 40 yards behind me running towards the guns

got her back and bo**ocked her big style :blush: .


next drive she did the same again and managed to reach a downed bird and retrieve it , i was embaressed and fuming but i could,nt do anything because she had bought the bird back , after that she went on the lead..


now shes always watched the skys but as never ever shown any inclination to chase airborn birds. normally she will sit and look or maybe fidghit about a bit

is there anything i can do ??



I hope you did the rollicking BEFORE you got her back otherwise you achieved nothing. Set her up to chase and be ready to come down on her at the right time, timing is essential

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How have you been training her over the years for steadiness ? In all fairness, if you did not notice until she was 40 yds away, she probably realised you were totally distracted, no excuse really, if the dog was rock steady, it should remain seated until told otherwise. My concern is, if the same things happen when training, i.e, distractions take your focus off her, this could be a problem. Also try to stop her "fidghiting about", let her know your eyes are on her, the slightest sign of her getting up, let her know you realise exactly what she is up to, if she continues and get's up, correct her firmly and immediately. IMO.


If it were me, I would be going back to basics though, recall,sit&stay,steadiness.

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Darren m,


Another possible problem is that if you were distracted, arms and hands going as well as speaking into a radio, your dog might have thought you were sending her on mate. If you used a word when you were talking on the radio that sounded the same as get out or get on , fetch, whatever word it is use use to set your dog away from sitting, (to hunt or retreive), the dog might have just mis-read the signal. Easy to do. Cant blame the dog in that situation.

Edited by straightbarrel
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