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double trigger on rifles


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i was wandering if anyone on the forum has a rifle with a double trigger. or am i the only one. on my dads mauser 98 in 30 06, it has what is called a set trigger, this mean you can use the front trigger like a normal two stage trigger, or you can pull the back trigger, ehich sets the front trigger to a hair trigger, making it incredibly sensitive. all u have to do is touch it and it fires. im thinking of getting a trigger kit for it to make it into a single trigger, as the double seems to make it almost dangerous as it akes it so light to pull. just wandering about opinions as to wether it is a good or bad idea to change it.





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I wouldn't worry about it. Just don't set the trigger if you are concerned about it being sensitive. My .22 target rifle has a trigger weight of about 20grams. It is perfectly safe as the bolt is never closed until the rifle is pointed down range.


Like wise if the bolt is not closed until you are ready to shoot then setting the trigger shouldn't be a problem.





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the set trigger is a marvelous thing, two of my dads rifles have it, a mauser m66 and an early brno


the idea is that the back trigger just needs to be touched to get it off, if you want a quality single stage trigger then you wont be able to get a set trigger to work like that.


personally i would leave it, i find a set trigger a great advanage for a walk about gun, i use the brno for all of my target stalkers competitions (just inter club) but it makes taking standing shots when your all over the place that much easier.


Do to it what ever you feel best, if your not happy with having such a light set trigger then have it changed, but theres nothing wrong with it, thats how they are meant to be. :good:

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If you decide to convert it back to a standard trigger send me a mail as I can put you in touch with a source where you will get one for sensible money. Its a simple job - not as hard or complicated as a full strip and clean so you will be able to do it yourself.

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he is not that sure about it, as it seems more of a hinderence, firstly he never uses it, and secondly he not sure wether it is safe as it may go off when getting ready to fire, f you have accidently set the trigger. it is a nice trigger, but maybe a better single trigger may help.





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