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Guest keepshooting

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Guest keepshooting

Hi does anyone load .410 cartridges near Bedford as I'd like some loads made , I'm willing to Pay the person for making the cartridges!


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not allowed to sell reloads


Where does it actually state that you are "not allowed to sell reloads"? Is it a law? A condition of owning a gun? Is a private individual allowed to sell any live cartridge because thinking about it, should you be a RFD? I don't see ironmongers selling cartridges like they used to.


It might not be wise to sell reloads due to the possibility of getting sued if something goes wrong, but one could always sign a disclaimer.


We've all been in that situation where someone in the party is down to their last shell, we always hand one over, what if it's a reload we give them?


Are you allowed to give away home loads?


Just out of interest, what loads are you after OP?

Edited by nabbers
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