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Roebuck from Frankenwald

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Here two roebucks i shot this weekend in the Frankenwald in germany (bayern).

Small one is a one year old "gabel" roebuck (3-4 pointer) weight 14 kilo without all the organs (cleaned)

"big" one is a 4 to 5 year old roebuck, also 4 points, weight 17 kilo cleaned. Excellent culling buck because the buck ought to be a lovely six pointer.


There are nice stories behind shooting both bucks but i am not sure if the long stories might interest you guys (and girls of course :yes: ).


So pictures first:



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OK then, but i did warn you it will be a long story:


At midday i shot at a "smalree" (first year female roe, not sure about the correct english term), but it ran off. After good search on my own and with the gamekeeper and his dog we found a lot of blood and hair, also the spot where the animal rested and lay down (loads of blood) on its flight, but unfortunately no roe. This really did upset me, because you do not want the animal to suffer :yes: . I felt pretty confident about the shotplacement, but yet no kill. I did another search in the beginning of the evening with the owner of the shoot and another dog, but again no luck. :good: Big ******! As we travelled towards the landowners house an hour before dusk he asked if i would like to sit at one of the highseat we passed (there are about 60 ! in the area of 1500 hectares, about 2000 acres i believe). i still wasn't feeling very comfortable because of the wounding and likely suffering of the young doe. Landowner insisted i give it a try. So i climbed on a high seat overlooking a small meadow between two woods and a road. The landowner got in his car (standing on the road) but did not drive off. I found this a bit strange as the car was visible to me and possible roe coming up the meadow. He stayed there for half an hour, then without starting the engine, rolled downhill to the edge of the wood and meadow and stopped. I was even more puzzled. After again half an hour i saw a buck at the edge of the meadow opposite of me. It was at the beginning of dusk. I looked at it carefully and decided that buck is mine. Reached for the gun and shot it. Went down perfectly. Feeling slightly better i walked towards the landowner, who was still waiting. He got out of his car and walked towards me. He told me he saw the roebuck i shot when he got in his car. The roe was going to cross the road, and the landowner by being in his car in the correct time and place, prevented it from crossing the road (and dissapear from the meadow). The roebuck was not yet visible for me beacuse of the slope in the meadow. The roebuck decided to get back in his tracks, and in my view. My shot was a good shoulder placed shot, which i was pretty happy about because of the wounded roe earlier. (you always feel less confident after such a dreadfull moment). So we were both happy bunnies because this worked out great :huh::huh: .



We travelled towards his home when we saw in the headlights at another meadow a few roe. One of them was a roebuck and limping with his front leg. Possibly a road accident. The landowner asked me to shoot it. I got my gun out but unfortunately the glass of the sight was misty/foggy due to the terrential rain we had all day. I cleaned the glass quickly but the roe got away. i told the landowner i would sit at this meadow the next morning and try to shoot the limping buck.


So next morning got out at 03.30 and to the meadow i saw the limping buck. I tried to walk to a high seat that is in this area. Before i go to a high seat i always spy the area for roe. And yes, already one was standing on the meadow. Not sure buck or doe. so i waited 15 minutes for more light untill i could see what kind it was. Yes buck! , But no limp, i decided i try and wait for the limping buck. So i climbed quietly on the high seat and waited. After an hour a doe and kid came on the meadow and dissappeared together, the buck also left. After another hour a roebuck came from the right. Small young sixpointer. It was followed by a older 4 pointer who immidiatly chased and harrassed the smaller buck. First they were about 150 yards away, but now they were about 90 yards away. The smaller buck ran into the wood to escape the older buck. The older buck stood a bit proud, thinking by himself he did a good job chasing the youngster. Then he wanted another go and ran towards the edge of the wood the youngster disappeared. I then decided i would not wait for the limping one (considering time and already seeing 3 bucks!). I gave the buck a whistle and it stopped to look what's up? Then i shot it, fell straight to the ground (again well placed on the shoulder, feeling again pleased about it). When i got to it i was even more happy with the cull because it turned out to be a 4 - 5 year old buck with only 4 points that should have been a sixpointer. So a good culling buck. Still makes a good trophy :lol: :o


Going back in three weeks. Then hopefully again some nice pictures and stories (hopefully i can get the limping buck....)

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