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Went out this morning at first light with the ferrets and my patterdale George, tried a field I Know that has a few buries in it first as it was the first time out for my polecat jills and George had never been on a proper day out rabbiting with ferrets, also id only ever shot

Pigeons on this particular field so the odds was stacked against us, we netted up and had 5 mins rest whilst letting the dog off lead and then let the ferrets go in.. Around 10 mins pass and no rumbling and out come the ferrets... No joy here at all.

Off to the next field I know there is only one bury in but worth a try anyway, so we arrive and net up only six holes...in go the ferrets and George watches on from the fence he is clipped on too, I hear a rumble and out pops the first rabbit of the day...from an unseen and un netted hole arghhhh!!!

Seems today is not my day so pack up and take a ten minute drive to a small 3 acre field and I know there are plenty of holes to put ferrets in around the hedgeline.. So we net up and bag our first of the day.. I quickly despatch it and then let the ferrets have a play to get them interested...george also has a play and we do some retrieves by throwing it around and then he gets the idea..time for the flask then on to net some more holes.. I take another three rabbits from one bury and start to think my luck is changing and then net up the last bury, out pops another but would you believe it... Another unseen un netted hole.. George to the rescue catches the rabbit and fetches back to hand for me to despatch it, I check the time its 11am and time to head back home.. A well enjoyed few hours and very impressed with the dog and also the ferrets, they all did very well for a first effort and the only mistakes made were on my part lol, anyway heres the pics..










I think the last pic might not be from today but its the only pic I can find of five rabbits so maybe/maybe not...




Edited by Damian1225
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