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Any computer whizzes on here ?

The Sniper

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Help please from somebody who knows a lot about computers ( and that won't take a lot )


I have managed to get a lot more land recently and would like to discus with a few of the farmers exactly where their fields are. Its alright them saying...go down that lane, see that stream etc etc. I want to know I am on exactly the right field.


As such I have come up with the idea of printing off some aerial photos of fields in my area so I can mark exactly which ones I can go on.


I have found a site www.multimap.com which allows you to print off aerial photos but the photo is so small it will take a long time to do my area at 1 to 10,000 scale.


If any of you computer whizzes have the time, please go onto the site ,and click onto aerial photos.


Then if you could tell me how to print off the maps (without all the other advertising ) and possibly how to enlarge such a map I would be eternally grateful.


If you can tellme how to do it please explain in simple language as, as i say, I am no computer expert by any means.


Thanking you in anticipation.

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I tried to do something similar and ended up cutting and sellotaping bits of paper together.

It still did not give enough detail and it was difficult to orientate yourself.

I also got fed up with it falling apart (sellotape isn,t as sticky as it use to be). ;)


Then, I went and bought an Ordnance Survey Map. :)

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Yes..thought about that.....an ordance survey map that is.


What scale do they go to and how much please ?


I'd still like to have a go at the printing if anyone can help me please.


The detail at 1 to 10,000 is actually quite good for recognition purposes, Cranfield.

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