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Last Saterday evening i put out decoys on some water just inland of the sea wall. At last light a pair of Widgeon came from over my head with paddels down which made for an easy first shot with which i killed to cock bird stone dead. I decided to go for the second and could not beleive it when the hen folded up just as convinsingly as she made her escape! :D:good: This was the only chace of the night but i couldnt care less, a night to remember and they make good eating too! :) I only bagged my first ever widgeon in october and am having a good season on the ducks this year dispite the lack of rain and therefore splashes here in norfolk. I will be going out tonight in the hope of getting a shot at the pinks which i have yet to open my account with. Hope you guys are having an eqally good season so far!! If not then good luck over Christmas :yes:


not sure if the picture uploaded....

Edited by wildfowlingmad
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