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First time out!!


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Hi all,


Just got back from a day out with Southeastpete, Never been before shooting any kind of live quarry, and Southeastpete kindly offered to take me out with him on some decoying. We started decoying a rape field, but as everyone is saying the pigeons are not feeding on rape yet, but pete did manage 1 pigeon while we were there. So we packed up and thought it might be better to walk the parimeter and see what flys out of the trees. So we walked the fields with not much within range, But again pete managed to get a couple and I had a close call with getting another pigeon but unfortuntely did quite get enough on the bird (tail and rear feathers flying everywhere). But being my first shot at a live quarry was not detered. So we went to a completely different field pete has permission on and grabbed some lunch on the way. Got to the field and walked the field seeing a few parridge but where far out of range, all was looking good to improve. But we circled through the woods a couple of times and Pete manged to get a squirrel and another pigeon. Then after a long long wait and a lot of walking later, we were in the wood with me at one end and pete at the other trying to drive them across eachother, then it came after a lot of misses all day I managed to bag my first ever pigeon!! :good::lol: So I got up from my seat at the base of a tree and went to find my first bird, after what seemed like ages and at the point thinking that the thing got stuck in the trees or ran off under cover somewhere, I found it flapping by a tree. So meet back up with Pete to pass on my success and he said he's bagged a pheasent and seen 2 more Hen pheasents in the other side of the wood, So we headed across to try our luck. well my luck was in the second one jumped up and flew low over the hedge row and BANG! missed, Bang! down came the pheasent. I rushed over and grabbed my first Pheasent!! :good: I am so glad I managed to get something today, Thanks Pete.

Better next time I hope!!

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yea it wasnt a bad day at all. Rough and roosting, ended with a squirrel a crow, 2 pheasant, 5 pigeon. A little walk down the stream at on point added 2 moorhen, and a missed chance at a couple of as yet unidentified ducks. I'll give you a shout when they are dropping in on the rape and we can try the deeks again. Cheers for the company, and putting up with me whining about my leg!

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