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bad or unexpected reaction


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just wondered if we all have a bad reaction or unexpected one from the farmer or land owner were we shoot ???


i shoot a farm were iv'e shot for a few year's with shotgun alway's clean up and clean other's rubbish at time's drop a drink in to him xmas call to see if anything's about never caused any problem's

i asked if i could use a 22lr on his land as i had permission off his neighbour the two farm's cover 750 acre's


he hit the roof mr x farmer is bloody mad allowing bullet gun's on his land he'll be took to court and fined there not toy's to play with . if you hit anything you shouldn't the police will be called and i'll be in trouble

i explained about the insurance e.c.t . he wasn't interested

couldn't belive it

can;t be just my experiance

Edited by soontjen
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I got a polite knock back from a farmer who asked what I would use to shoot the rabbits with in the earlier days when I was asking about. When I said I could use an air rifle, rimfire or centrefire he replied he don't like rifles. It's his land and his choice, but he still loses a fair bit of grass to bunnies and lambs to fox.

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You have to admit though rifles are a different kettle of fish, i have no interest in an fac although i have been to a club to shoot their .22s with some pretty good scores. I am more than happy for people to have rifles but i can see the farmers point. He knows that a shotgun is safe at 75yds, but danger at half a mile away is something else. If i lived in the states or canada i think i would probably be more interested in rifles as its such a pro rifle shooting place with such vast areas of safe space.

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You have to admit though rifles are a different kettle of fish,............. He knows that a shotgun is safe at 75yds, but danger at half a mile away is something else.


All the farmers I have known have had rifles or generally experience of them.

I also believe a bullet (.223) would go a lot further than half a mile, with lethal effect, even though mine (and most other peoples) never do.

We keep seeing that useful word - 'backstop' on here and there are very few people who would shoot a rifle without one i.e. the bullet goes nowhere unsafe even if the target is missed.

I cannot understand someone who only shoots shotguns thinking rifles are a 'different kettle of fish', maybe you should try it sometime ?

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All the farmers I have known have had rifles or generally experience of them.

I also believe a bullet (.223) would go a lot further than half a mile, with lethal effect, even though mine (and most other peoples) never do.

We keep seeing that useful word - 'backstop' on here and there are very few people who would shoot a rifle without one i.e. the bullet goes nowhere unsafe even if the target is missed.

I cannot understand someone who only shoots shotguns thinking rifles are a 'different kettle of fish', maybe you should try it sometime ?

You dident read my post, i said i am all for rifles, i was referring to how some farmers or other people think not myself. I have shot rifles indoors and i loved it. Try reading without prejudice and assumption, anybody knows that something lethal 1 mile away as opposed to 75yds is a different kettle of fish. Fact not opinion. Remember people trespass on land all the time so backstop or not you could have an unintentional incident and that is what worried the farmer. Regards :good:

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