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Crow decoying with an owl

Ryan gun

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Hi i have an horned owl decoy and was wondering where to put it and how to place the crows around it also is it a good idea to put a shot crow at its feet

Atb rg :good:

I think the whole point of using an owl decoy is based on the theory that corvids will 'mob' it;surrounding the owl with crows and a dead one at its feet wouldn't look natural in my opinion,but there again we haven't tried it.

Tried it once with an eagle owl decoy but it wasn't as successful as we'd hoped,even though it was the right time of year and we were on the edge of a wood full of corvids.

Give it a go,but I wouldn't bother with the crow deeks to be honest.

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The best result for using owl decoy.Find out where carrions are roosting in which trees loft owl up and a couple of decoys and call.Only works when trees are bare, you should get a hour or so good shooting before dark.Best also when a good wind is blowing. :good: Myself and 4 mates shot if i remember correctly 140 something 1 evening.We split up and to cover a oak and birch wood about 1 acre kept them on the move.Had lots of 20 to 50 on my own this way.Don't go when calm waste of time.

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