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Holding Teal on the Flight Pond.

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Hiya, Went for an early morning stroll this morning, round one of the farms with Camie ...we were looking for a Roe, as I'd seen a couple when I was up last year.....without a gun I must add... :blink:


Anyway, came to the bigger of my three flight ponds, and saw what we thought were Coots, got a bit closer, and realised they were Teal... we tried to get to the bush that will eventually become the hide, and lifted about 25-30 of the birds...they swung round a couple of times, but eventually flew off towards the pond over the hill.


This all came as a great surprise....as, this is the first i've seen Teal here. I've only ever seen a few pairs of Mallard, but was going to add to them this year with some "bought" birds...


I've only had permission on this farm since late spring last year, and haven't gotten myself organised setting out feeders for Mallard yet.


I'm definately getting this sorted this year, as Camie has around 1 dozen feeders for us to use ...so, what I'd like to know is, how do I hold the Teal on the ponds??? Will they share the ponds with Mallard ??, or will the ponds only hold either Mallard or Teal...??


Thanks in advance guys..:)


Wee pic of said pond this morning..;)



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Hi norrie, yes without a doubt teal and mallard will share a pond the only thing do to keep them there is feed them .barleys good even better If you can find someone who dresses their own as the small barley is even better, just make sure where ever you feed them the waters not to deep as teal prefer to dabble in about five to six inches of water .if you've got a bit of bank where they can get out they love old potatoes which if you just chop them up and leave them on the bank so they get the frost into they will keep them coming back.If you can run to one of the auto feeder then so much the better as you dont have to go every day.




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Great stuff guys...thanks for that...


The pond is nice and shallow in close, and gets deeper up to about 4-5 feet in the middle...so much so, I'm even considering a few Rainbow Trout for the summer evenings...:) There is a local grain dealer, about 1/2 mile from here, so, will have a word with him about the small grain..AND, guess who's wife works in the local spar, where they get a good few bags of potatoes going out of date..they used to just throw them out...not anymore they dont....:)


I'll have a talk with Camie, see what he thinks about an auto feeder...:)


Thanks again guys.. :good:

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