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Jut picked the dog up from kennels. Assumed he'd just been out for a walk as he had red eyes (he pulls a tad).


Was out walking him just now and noticed discharge from both eyes. Pussy and bogey like.


He's asleep on sofa now, but when he opens his eyes, one is redder than the other and looking the wrong way?!? Also, just gave him a bath and had to pull out a tic...not related I'm sure.


I'm assuming it's conjunctivitis and saline a few times s day will fix it. Tried vets but closed. They have an emergency number but wanted to check here first.


Conjunctivitis or more?


Cheers guys

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:good: One drug that is used for dogs and humans alike is chloramphenicol drops.You can get them over the counter in a chemist if you say its for you, the pharmacist will ask you a few questions.It wouldnt hurt to get some and put it into his eyes 4 times a day until you get to a vet.If it clears up or shows signs of starting to then carry on for a few more days. :good:
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EE is perfectly right and as said don't say its for your dog as they now can't give you them. Try for a couple of days and keep a close eye if it gets worse go to the vets in case its a foreign body. PersonaLly i'd not be letting the dog go back to that keNnels either

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Having this with my lurcher although it's nearly cleared up now, as said above, I went to the chemist said I wanted eye drops for conjunctivitis and she asked if it was for me, I replied no my dog! Haha she said its not licensed for use on animals do I want to go ahead and use it so I just said yes and handed the coin over, day or two later and it's nearly cleared up.

Dread to think how much the vets bill would of come to compared to £5 from the chemist


You can catch it off your dog aswell so be careful touching it etc

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