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applying for SGC


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hello i am a 14 year old shooter and have decided it is about time to apply for a shotgun certificate as i am hopeing to extend my shooting range to include clay shooting and helping out with vermin control on other peoples farms i was hopeing to apply for my licence now and then in may when i turn 15 have my uncles game gun gifted to me and then maybe if i got into clay shooting as well and i have downloaded the forms and have a referee and was wondering do i need to get a cabinet installed before i send of the forms even though i cant get a shotgun yet? and also do i tell the FEO that i am planning to get shotgun to help out with vermin control and other "shooting sports" and is this a good reason for owning a certificate.

thanks in advance

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Done much shotgun shooting before? Get plenty of experience before you apply so you can answer any curve-ball questions you may be asked in your interview.


Get a cabinet fitted before your interview so it can be checked at the same time avoiding the wait for a second visit. Make sure you read the rules regarding placement and fitting.


The reasons you have expressed are all 100% acceptable. Best of luck with your application.



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Done much shotgun shooting before? Get plenty of experience before you apply so you can answer any curve-ball questions you may be asked in your interview.


Get a cabinet fitted before your interview so it can be checked at the same time avoiding the wait for a second visit. Make sure you read the rules regarding placement and fitting.


The reasons you have expressed are all 100% acceptable. Best of luck with your application.



being shotgun shooting for about 4 years and air rifle for about 6 years all rough shooting and vermin shooting also recently started clay pigeon shooting

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Done much shotgun shooting before? Get plenty of experience before you apply so you can answer any curve-ball questions you may be asked in your interview.


Get a cabinet fitted before your interview so it can be checked at the same time avoiding the wait for a second visit. Make sure you read the rules regarding placement and fitting.


The reasons you have expressed are all 100% acceptable. Best of luck with your application.



also with regards to part B 17 of the application form "give details of the location at which the shot guns concerned are to be stored including details of any certificate holder sharing the storage facillities" is this refering to a shotgun which i may get in the future and should i put in the box where i am putting my cabinet and all relevant security systems? or is this just aimed at people who may have shotguns already e.g on another persons licence? its all very confusing :blink: :unsure:

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also with regards to part B 17 of the application form "give details of the location at which the shot guns concerned are to be stored including details of any certificate holder sharing the storage facillities" is this refering to a shotgun which i may get in the future and should i put in the box where i am putting my cabinet and all relevant security systems? or is this just aimed at people who may have shotguns already e.g on another persons licence? its all very confusing :blink: :unsure:


The same form is used for renewals too so some sections can be confusing. If you are sure you know where your cabinet is going just write a brief description in that box.

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The same form is used for renewals too so some sections can be confusing. If you are sure you know where your cabinet is going just write a brief description in that box.

is it ok being as at this moment in time i am not technically able to own or be gifted a shotgun as im not 15 at the time of applying?

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You can have a certificate, but not possess a gun until you are 15. Seeing as you can't own a gun to store, you dont really have an answer to question 17 I suppose.


I would phone your FAO, or licencing department and explain your situation. They will be very happy to help, and you would do well to build a relationship with your FAO!

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You can have a certificate, but not possess a gun until you are 15. Seeing as you can't own a gun to store, you dont really have an answer to question 17 I suppose.


I would phone your FAO, or licencing department and explain your situation. They will be very happy to help, and you would do well to build a relationship with your FAO!

Probably better to get a parent or guardian to phone on your behalf, worth going to a clay club locally or looking out for one of the BASC young shots courses nearby.

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thamk you very much do you think it would be best for a parent to ring on my behalf


No problem :good:


I don't think it would hurt to have them ring for you, shows that they are on side. Having a certificate at your age is a good thing, I think my nose would have been a bit cleaner if I'd had one! :innocent:

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I would be of the opinion that if you called the FEO it would give you an initial opportunity to show your maturity. It shows you have confidence if you do it right.


I dont think either way you'd be at a disadvantage. However, calling yourself shows that you are prepared to take responsibility for the whole process yourself, which to me reflects well on you and give you more confidence when the FEO actually comes to visit since you already spoke to him.


Truth is, you will need to make this decision yourself and there is no right or wrong way. Good luck either way, its great to see younger people interested in shooting. My local clay ground has lots of teenagers and familys attending and every single one of the youngsters shooting are amazingly polite, well mannered and disciplined. If only the anti's could see how well these youngsters behave!

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If you do call have a parent nearby as dealing with applications for an under 18 requires their consent it was along time ago I had a big disagreement with my parents over applying for an SGC at 14/15 and killed my interest until I was much older. I phoned and got the forms sent out and when they arrived with the police stamp my parents usually calm logical people ( grand father and uncle both had shotguns ) went nuts! Totally nuts I even had a teacher lined up to counter sign the application! I may have even had the photos taken..... Took me another 15 years to get one!

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i have decided that i may get my cabinet before if i can get it in time(a friend has one for me how lucky am i?) but it wont be a big deal if i cant as i cant actually get a shotgun yet so i will send of the forms in maybe a week or to also do you think a teacher would make a good countersignatory he is my form tutor so he sees and talks to me nearly every day and he always enquires into my shooting i think he would be happy to do it?

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Teacher yes, ideal reference for someone your age.


As for the cabinet, I was confident of a grant so I purchased one and installed it. However, when I called for the forms, the FEO told me not to get a cabinet but only have an idea of where I would put it for when he visited.


Generally good advice I think. I dont think most FEO's insist on seeing the actual cabinet in place. However, this may vary between forces.


Good look mate :)

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Just a few thoughts young Mikey aka oneshot applied for and got his SGC earlier this year I was his referee,he has been out with me and the terriers after foxes since he was 4 years old he is now 16 he has been clearing ferals and starlings in barns for farmers with his air rifle along with his dad for years.While I was having serious heart problems he came out with me with the terriers and for pigeons and learned loads he does't have his own gun yet but I'm going to gift him one of my Baikals he shoots very well with it he is a safe reliable shot at only sixteen and has been out with the hounds as well. I hope things go well for you as you seem to be determined to listen to advice and do things by the book as I said earlier the SACS membership is available to you free of charge as a junior so you could show your card to the visiting officer. All the best hope to hear of your exploits in the future. :good:

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Teacher especially form tutor is ideal (great that they are supportive!) and freeSACS membership seems a darn good idea too! :good:


EDIT Teacher must have known you for 2 years so hopefully they have (if not getting them as a point of contact (and supportive) if FEO does wish to contact the school is great.

Edited by HDAV
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Just a few thoughts young Mikey aka oneshot applied for and got his SGC earlier this year I was his referee,he has been out with me and the terriers after foxes since he was 4 years old he is now 16 he has been clearing ferals and starlings in barns for farmers with his air rifle along with his dad for years.While I was having serious heart problems he came out with me with the terriers and for pigeons and learned loads he does't have his own gun yet but I'm going to gift him one of my Baikals he shoots very well with it he is a safe reliable shot at only sixteen and has been out with the hounds as well. I hope things go well for you as you seem to be determined to listen to advice and do things by the book as I said earlier the SACS membership is available to you free of charge as a junior so you could show your card to the visiting officer. All the best hope to hear of your exploits in the future. :good:

thank you very much i really appreciate it

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