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What a C*** year for me


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Hi guys


the past three years over 1000 acres I have been shooting there has always been something to shoot, but the past 12 months there has been sod all.

Last year there was loads of Rabbits, Pheasant, Woodcock, Partridge and Pigeon. I have found the past 12 months however have been absolutely rubbish.


here are my figures at a guess for last year and past 12 months.


Woodcock before on average you would see 30 per outing. None for the year.

Pheasant before on average you would see 10 per outing. Only seen 4 for the year.

Partridge before on average you would see 10 per outing. Only seen 2 for the year.

Rabbits before on average you would see 50 per outing. Roughly 3 per outing.

Pigeons before on average you would see 40 per outing. Past 12 months average I would say of 10 per outing.


The only things i am currently seeing is a abundance of deer and fox.


Even small birds like blackbirds, starlings etc etc are no where to been seen.



What i dont understand with the rabbits is that there was a abundance of them then in a matter of a month they vanished. Even areas that I have not shot for around 9 months are barron.

I know I came accross a few myxy but nothing on a huge scale and only in selected areas.


I would be interested if there are others in the same area who perhaps are having the same issues.

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That's rather unlucky. Maybe the bad winter and snow last year wiped alot out ? Things was a bit quiet to what every1 else says they had this year but then I wasn't allowed to shoot it then, hopefully this year will be better :) You sure the numbers are going down and you don't need glasses ? should've gone to specsavers.

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sort of the same for me and a mate of mine, little to no woodcock, no wild pheasants, pigeon numbers well down,rabbits are scarce with only a few ducks around, it's been the worst year for us for a long time, I'm just in through the door after huntin my moss, 2.5 hrs and not a feather, I had 2 dogs workin flat out and in the end even they had almost given up too, unless this mild weather changes before the end of the season I think I might knock it on the head for the year - sad but true. :no:

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That's rather unlucky. Maybe the bad winter and snow last year wiped alot out ? Things was a bit quiet to what every1 else says they had this year but then I wasn't allowed to shoot it then, hopefully this year will be better :) You sure the numbers are going down and you don't need glasses ? should've gone to specsavers.


TBH I wish it was due to needing glasses at least i would have a reason then :lol:

Perhaps i should take the bells off my santa hat before I go shooting next time :good:





sort of the same for me and a mate of mine, little to no woodcock, no wild pheasants, pigeon numbers well down,rabbits are scarce with only a few ducks around, it's been the worst year for us for a long time, I'm just in through the door after huntin my moss, 2.5 hrs and not a feather, I had 2 dogs workin flat out and in the end even they had almost given up too, unless this mild weather changes before the end of the season I think I might knock it on the head for the year - sad but true. :no:


I know exactly how you feel. Ive recently just joined a Shooting club, so I'll be able to have some fun there. Trouble is although you get to meet people and have fun you dont have anything to bring back to the freezer after.


I think the worst part is going out and seeing nothing, so you go back to the car freeze your N**s off and wait for a few hours to pass, try again and still see nothing. :angry:

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Hi guys


the past three years over 1000 acres I have been shooting there has always been something to shoot, but the past 12 months there has been sod all.

Last year there was loads of Rabbits, Pheasant, Woodcock, Partridge and Pigeon. I have found the past 12 months however have been absolutely rubbish.


here are my figures at a guess for last year and past 12 months.


Woodcock before on average you would see 30 per outing. None for the year.

Pheasant before on average you would see 10 per outing. Only seen 4 for the year.

Partridge before on average you would see 10 per outing. Only seen 2 for the year.

Rabbits before on average you would see 50 per outing. Roughly 3 per outing.

Pigeons before on average you would see 40 per outing. Past 12 months average I would say of 10 per outing.


The only things i am currently seeing is a abundance of deer and fox.


Even small birds like blackbirds, starlings etc etc are no where to been seen.



What i dont understand with the rabbits is that there was a abundance of them then in a matter of a month they vanished. Even areas that I have not shot for around 9 months are barron.

I know I came accross a few myxy but nothing on a huge scale and only in selected areas.


I would be interested if there are others in the same area who perhaps are having the same issues.


I have to agree with you defo not as much about or there wearing the camo now.

Ive done well on rabbits mostly lamping though but as for pigeons very poor, even on the stubble I seen better years, pheasants no where near as good Im normally shoooing out of the way with my quad bike but nothing this year, one of the farms has put a lot of cover crop down and weve had one good day, while we were standing for the drive the beaters were pushing the pigeons out of the cover crops, walking round the rape early today I noticed they are just starting to feed on it, so I made a hide ready for some pest control

There are very few partridges on my land so I dont bother with them.

Speaking to one farmer about the problem about the lack of normal game around the area he said a lot of birds had been killed when the contracters cut for haylage, the machinery is going to fast for the birds to get out of the way and get back on the nest he quoted as seeing a lot of dead bird killed this way.


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I have to agree with you defo not as much about or there wearing the camo now.

Ive done well on rabbits mostly lamping though but as for pigeons very poor, even on the stubble I seen better years, pheasants no where near as good Im normally shoooing out of the way with my quad bike but nothing this year, one of the farms has put a lot of cover crop down and weve had one good day, while we were standing for the drive the beaters were pushing the pigeons out of the cover crops, walking round the rape early today I noticed they are just starting to feed on it, so I made a hide ready for some pest control

There are very few partridges on my land so I dont bother with them.

Speaking to one farmer about the problem about the lack of normal game around the area he said a lot of birds had been killed when the contracters cut for haylage, the machinery is going to fast for the birds to get out of the way and get back on the nest he quoted as seeing a lot of dead bird killed this way.



I don't mind so much if there are no other animals on my permission it's the rabbits I really use.


Your location sounds like myself. I'm originally from chelmsford and moved to suffolk (now live in ipswich)about 18 years ago. Where abouts are you living?

Edited by foggy011983
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Can't comment on the game birds, though when it comes to songbirds there seems to be an increasing problem with hedgerows being flailed far too early, destroying the winter food stocks of berries. I think a lot of this may be down to an increasing number of farms being run by contractors who often couldn't care less.

As for the bunnies, rabbits do disappear overnight if conditions don't suit them, and reappear just as suddenly. Down here in Dorset we had a very dry summer 2010 with little fresh growth. Judging by the shortage of juveniles and pregnant females shot I suspect the drought conditions put them off breeding. Follow that with a very harsh and long winter with prolonged snow cover and that really knocked the numbers back. This year the winter has so far been exceptionally mild and I'm shooting unseasonably large numbers of pregnant females.

These swings take a year or so to be felt noticably on the ground. If summer 2012 is a normal mixture of sunshine and rain with good growing conditions, I expect 2013 to be a heavy year for rabbits.

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A few lads I know were telling me about the shortage of certain duck and woodcock in traditional areas this year - I think the obvious explanation is all the mild weather in Europe has meant that birds simply aren't moving West to the BI in the usual numbers. My brother was on a business trip to Eastern Europe a few weeks back and couldn't get over how mild it was compared to previous years. I think some cold weather has just arrived their now so hopefully it might push more birds our way before the season ends!!

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