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Alternator or battery ?

Alex C

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I went to start my Shogun yesterday morning only to hear the click, click, click of a flat battery.


Now my problem is, will it be a duff battery or a knackerd alternator?

I have re charged the battery and so far its been ok, however if it dies again how do i know if its the battery at fault or the alternator ? I would rather not have to shell out for both if i can help it.


I can arm myself with one of poundlands finest multi meters, but as electrickery is akin to voodoo in my eyes, i have not the foggiest idea of how to test either.


Would one of you kind chaps more versed in the black art please give me a dummies guide ? I would be most appreciative. ( and when i say dummies guide, make it real simple !!)


Thanks in advance



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As above, only I'll add that when testing the voltage with the engine running if you do get a reading of 14 volts, put the headlights on main beam, and the heater blower on full and check again. It should still read 14 volts, worth doing that to check it under load.


If you don't know how to use your multimeter, you need to set it to 'DC Volts' (if it has different settings), I'm not familiar with your meter but if you're struggling let me know.


Also worth checking that the alternator belt is tight and that the battery and alternator wires aren't loose.

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I went to start my Shogun yesterday morning only to hear the click, click, click of a flat battery.


Now my problem is, will it be a duff battery or a knackerd alternator?

I have re charged the battery and so far its been ok, however if it dies again how do i know if its the battery at fault or the alternator ? I would rather not have to shell out for both if i can help it.


I can arm myself with one of poundlands finest multi meters, but as electrickery is akin to voodoo in my eyes, i have not the foggiest idea of how to test either.


Would one of you kind chaps more versed in the black art please give me a dummies guide ? I would be most appreciative. ( and when i say dummies guide, make it real simple !!)


Thanks in advance





Its the starter motor if its clicking, same has happened to mine and someone else i know. you can get a new battery and the extra bit of power will just start it but eventually it will just stop starting again until you get a new starter! I think it would turn the engine over a bit but just slowly if the battery was going.

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Olim - If the battery is down on juice, whether it's been drained, or is knackered, it'll make the starter click (the solenoid engage) without actually getting the motor spinning (or it could be that the starter's on it's way out).


Personally, I'd get a voltmeter across the battery, with the engine running, and check that the output is correct (13V+). Admittedly, this could be dragged down by a totally duff battery. Also, if the ouput is okay, at tickover, try turning everything on in the vehicle (main beam, full blower, rear screen) and see if it can keep the output up, under high load.

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If that fails take it to your local Bosch wholesaler and ask them to test the battery and alt. Bosch ( and others) do a hand held bit of kit, first stage is to test the battery, second stage is the wiring to the battery from the alt, third stage is to test the alt.


You cant really test a flat battery sp make sure the vech has has a run before going, from my experience I would say battery was about 70%, alternator about 25% and wiring about 5%.



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