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air arms 177.


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whats your opinion? i am very interested in a air arms s200 in 177. what do you think? i think the s200 are a nice gun but i am unsure about the 177. bit are 177. as good as a 22. or are r they better?


any advice or info is very welcome





thanks alot steve :drool:

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Grab ya tin hats fellas, incoming!!! :good::D:drool:


Steve .22 & .177 is an old debate that doesnt seem to die. Its all down to preferrence. .177 flies flatter but is lighter and gets affected by wind more than the .22. Some would say the .22 hits harder and therefore better than a .177 for hunting. Others would argue that the .177 is just as good if not better for hunting. PCP wise, you get more shots per charge on a .22 than a .177. I prefer the .22 as its size is easier for my chubby fingers.

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there's no doubt about it. the s200 is a fantastic gun (if a little ugly and awkward for us lefties!). as for calibre, the 177 is more forgiving than 22 when it comes to accuracy. THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN GET LAZY WITH IT AND TAKE POOR SHOTS!!!. In fact i'd say the accuracy has to be better than with 22 as you are using a smaller pellet, and so a shot that skims the kill zone in 177 would hit it in 22. saying that. my friend has a s200 in 177 and uses it to great effect against rabbits (when they let him get close enough! :drool: ).


Overall i reckon the calibre is not that great a deal. try out a s200 in both calibres before you buy (if you can). If you prefer one over the other then stick to that calibre.

Happy shooting!

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For what it is worth my opinion is .....................


Decide on a calibre .22 or .177 (You may want to cloud the issue with .20 or .25) have a plink, work out what your hold over/under levels are and stick with that calibre. What ever you choose will do the job and do the job well, in the right hands ofcourse.


Accuracy is more important than calibre or power levels.


Once you have a bit of experience or spend a lot of time on a range then start experimenting with calibres.

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I have the S200 in .22. Having only tried .177 for plinking I had thought that .22 would be a better caliber for hunting, hitting harder and all that ****, having never used one I bought it and was happy with it until about two weeks ago. Tried a proper .177 springer and to be honest I've went right off the .22. Found out exactly how awkward the .22 caliber is.


The difference in the arc is unbelievable between the two, the .177 is basically point and shoot, whereas the .22 is more arsing about, guessing where you need to aim for the bullet to come back down to connect with the target. I know that with practice you get to be more accurate in judging the arc but lets be honest, why bother when you can just have a .177?


With an airgun it is shot placement that is the most important factor. It doesnt matter if the .22 is a bigger caliber because you should always be shooting rabbits in the head and pigeons in the chest/neck anyway. The .177 will penetrate and get you the kill with the added bonus that you dont have the annoying arc of the .22. On a windy day its still like shooting round corners with a .22.


I can imagine the accuracy of a PCP combined with the .177 and it would be amazing. If I were buying my airgun again I would have went .177 version of the S200.


The S200 is a cracking gun. Very well made, light, accurate and recoiless.


I'm in two minds to apply for a overpowered .177. Stuff the .22 for a joke.


edit - ok maybe I was exagerating alittle bit on how poor the .22 is. Fact is it is still a good caliber because it is down to the shooter to use it affectively. I really took to the .177 when I tried it though.

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