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Fox problem

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Morning All,


Mrs lost all but one of her chicken to charlie last night- usual mess of headless bodies and a couple left almost dead with only 2 actually being removed from the run.... She want to replace ASAP which is fine but I want to deal with the fox first and would appreciate some advice on the best way.


We live in a very rural area and our garden is long (approx 50m) with a big earth bank at the end, beyond this are fields for about 3 miles before the next house. Shooting with the rifle is a no go as am currently on a closed ticket and the FEO has already said no when asked about using the rifle should this situation arise, mainly due to having neighbours either side of us.


Shotgun is obviously a legal option but I'm sure that my neighbours won't thank me for that being discharged at silly o' clock and to my mind it's more dangerous then the rimmy and the distance is a tad too far as well.


So what are my other options? Does trapping them work? At the moment thare are three carcases left in the run that I haven't touched so have no human scent on them- is he likely to come back for these and if so I though about putting them in the trap....


I intend going to see our neighbour as have seen fox regularly for the last couple of weeks lying up in some old hay bales although I don't hold out much hope of getting permission and would probably have to get the land passed.



Thanks in advance for any help/ replies



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Trapping is an obvious option, or alternatively if you gave us your location I am sure that you would find someone from here with an open ticket and a modified rifle (Of suitable calibre) that would be more than willing to help you out. If you are anywhere near the East Lancs area I would be willing to help out!

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Thanks for the replies- I have just spoken to our neighbour who owns the land behind us- nothing to lose I guess and to my surprise she shares the same view of foxes as most and actually thanked me for asking- yes please come and shoot the bl**dy thing and while you're at it can you do something about all the rabbits I have please so that was a result. Told her that I had seen the fox lying up in the shelter and she actually had a go at me for not shooting it when I had the chance! Spoken to the FEO again who was more sympathetic now that I have this permission and has agreed to check the land with me on monday so fingers crossed there.... In the meantime i'll get hold of a trap and pop the carcases in there and see if that gets any results.


I'm in Axbridge Somerset.

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Took myself off to Mole Valley in Bridgwater and purchased a fox trap.... baited it up with one of the dead chickens last night and caught fox number one within a couple of hours- good sized vixen.... put the lamp out across the field behind and picked up another so re set trap, now just a waiting game i guess....prints in the snow this morning around the run again so def another having a mooch about....

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Hmm you think that'd work? At the moment she's lying in a wheelbarrow about 20 yards away from the trap- what do you reckon- pop her back in the trap or leave her lying next to it? there's def another fox kicking about as spotted it in the lamp in neighbours field for last couple nights.... Dead chickens still in the run as well so it must be temoting for them??


Stu- used a friends .410 and dispatched her in the trap. Must admit to being very tempted to use the rimmy but not sure on the legalities of that ie with me on a closed ticket discharging a firearm in my garden.... wrong pair of eyes sees me and well, could be a bit iffy i guess!

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