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Keeping her pals warm.........

The Essex Hunter

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Having just picked up a replacement camera, I haven’t been able to up load my tally of foxes off a new sheep farm I’ve been shooting on for the last 3 weeks.

I got the ok to shoot it before xmas, however I had to wait until mid January for the FAD to catch up with their back log. They cleared 3 farms for my .243 on the end of the phone so I was very pleased.

The vixen I shot to night and the others next to her, are from a few days ago

I’ve had a total of 11 off this farm with one of those was shot by a pw member who came over one night for a ride around….

As they are due to start lambing soon the Shepherd is very happy…..







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Having just picked up a replacement camera, I haven’t been able to up load my tally of foxes off a new sheep farm I’ve been shooting on for the last 3 weeks.

I got the ok to shoot it before xmas, however I had to wait until mid January for the FAD to catch up with their back log. They cleared 3 farms for my .243 on the end of the phone so I was very pleased.

The vixen I shot to night and the others next to her, are from a few days ago

I’ve had a total of 11 off this farm with one of those was shot by a pw member who came over one night for a ride around….

As they are due to start lambing soon the Shepherd is very happy…..







And here is the missing number eleven. Shot with TEH fox setup. TEH had invited me over for a lamping session on one of the many farms he has. And it all happened just as he described it.

The briefing was as follow: I'll be stopping short of the barn, get your self ready and we'll walk down. On the left there is a post which you can rest the gun on, at approx 20 degrees left there should be a fox. Lamp on and wack it!! So I walked down to the post as quiet as i could and then crack!!! I walked strait trough a iced up puddle GOOD start. Got to the post and lamp on! And there Charlie is. could not believe it. I never told TEH that I had to check if he didn't tie the fox down. LOL TEH is a top bloke and know his farm in and out. :good:


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