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Lamp mount on a 56mm objctive lense scope ?

Salop Matt

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Guys am after some help please and am hoping am not the only one who`s had this issue.


I have a ultrafire torch/lamp which is great but i want to mount it on my scope.......Here is the problem though:


The scope is 30mm tube and 56mm objective lense. With the mount that comes with my lamp fitted it just doesnt lift the lamp above the scope sufficiently !


So how can i mount the lamp in such a way that it clears the scope to shine in the right place?


It will go on my mtc 44mm scope on the airgun okay but is alot of faffing so i need something that will do both easily .


Is it possible to get a mount that will attach to a front sling stud ?


Either that or will it effect my zero if i mount on the barrel ?

(The guns are: CZ452 .17HMR heavy/varmint barrel and a mk4 daystate which has a over barrel protector to.)



Cheers :)

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I have the MG125 lamp. The scope bracket supoplied will suit you needs. There are others available on the market that are similar to a figure '8', but not sure where from or how much.



Yep, Steve.

Only specified this because unlike many of the "8s" - some of which are fixed - this one is infinitely adjustable.

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What sort of mount is attached to the torch? If a weaver, no problem, get a quick deploy weaver mount and 30mm scope weaver rail from antsupplies. The article I wrote on cree led lamps, was about fitting on a 56 scope. You may have problems with ordering at the moment, because it's changing due to Microsoft summat or other. If you search for my post, it's got the relevant, direct links.

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