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first time cooking


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im cooking tomorrow for the first time ever (except cheese on toast). and i need help.

now ive got some beef, ive put that in the slow cooker, chopped half an onion in to it (ate the other half) some mushrooms and a few carrots and salt to add to the flavour. oh and half a cup of water. il put that on tomorrow before i go to work. but what do i cook to go with it???.

i dont think the gf will be impressed with just a plate of beef.

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im cooking tomorrow for the first time ever (except cheese on toast). and i need help.

now ive got some beef, ive put that in the slow cooker, chopped half an onion in to it (ate the other half) some mushrooms and a few carrots and salt to add to the flavour. oh and half a cup of water. il put that on tomorrow before i go to work. but what do i cook to go with it???.

i dont think the gf will be impressed with just a plate of beef.



I'd brown the beef in a frying pad (with dripping) and roll it in flour before chucking it in. And bung a stock cube in. Few butter beans will bulk it up a bit as well.

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er i was hoping for simple things. i know how to use the hobs but the oven is a no go. and yorkshire pudding is way out of my skills.

gfs at work tonight so ive missed out on pancakes tonight :cry1:

come on fella, 4oz flour, half a pint of milk, 2 eggs, salt and a splash of water, oven on full to get your tin smoking with a bit of oil, put mixture in and turn down to about 190 - 200 for about 25 - 35 mins, and dont open door. :good:

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come on fella, 4oz flour, half a pint of milk, 2 eggs, salt and a splash of water, oven on full to get your tin smoking with a bit of oil, put mixture in and turn down to about 190 - 200 for about 25 - 35 mins, and dont open door. :good:

eh il leave that to the gf. im not a domesticated man you know, i tried to use the hover the other week. it resulted in a trip to comet to buy her a new one after i had put out the flames and got rid of the smoke. :lol: :lol:. im also banned from washing up.

how long do i cook peas for?

and how do i do mashed potato?

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If it's cubed beef.....add 1 pint of water, a tin of chopped toms, big squirt of tomato puree, 1 oxo, teaspoon of paprika, good pinch of cumin, tin of chickpeas, chopped red and green pepper, cook its balls off for 5 hours on high....spanish beef stew :) Serve with bread, rice, cous cous, salad whatever.


edit....add salt n pepper etc....

Edited by Peoown
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If it's cubed beef.....add 1 pint of water, a tin of chopped toms, big squirt of tomato puree, 1 oxo, teaspoon of paprika, good pinch of cumin, tin of chickpeas, cook its balls off for 5 hours on high....spanish beef stew :)


edit....add salt n pepper etc....

cubed... its a huge lump of beef.

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if it looks/tatse like mashed potato i dont care how sarcastic it sounds.

please help or il look a massive **** with a plate of beef.



Fair do's fella. The basic mash is just smashing the granny out of some boiled spuds and adding a bit of milk and butter but if you want to impress then I like marfona as they are very sweet. Slice them and bring to the boil, add a bit of salt to the water and then simmer until a fork breaks them easily. Drain the water, add a *** of butter, a splash of single cream and a bit of chopped parsley and pepper. Good to go :good:

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Fair do's fella. The basic mash is just smashing the granny out of some boiled spuds and adding a bit of milk and butter but if you want to impress then I like marfona as they are very sweet. Slice them and bring to the boil, add a bit of salt to the water and then simmer until a fork breaks them easily. Drain the water, add a *** of butter, a splash of single cream and a bit of chopped parsley and pepper. Good to go :good:

thankyou :good: :good:

so ive got beef and mash.

still going to look like a tool tho.

anything else???

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Chop it up and get proper cooking! I'm a slow cooking ninja man. I never use my stove, and it is a proper STOVE. Slow cookers are the future.

usually when the gf cooks in the slow cooker it tastes like ****. so i feed it to the dog and get a big mixed kebab. and hide the evidence and tell her it was lovely.

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thankyou :good: :good:

so ive got beef and mash.

still going to look like a tool tho.

anything else???


Dude, have faith in yourself and enjoy it. Its not about being Heston Blumethal, its about putting time, thought and effort into a meal for two. Even if its pony you tried and you will know what not to do next time. Remember a lot of chicks can't cook themselves.

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