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Countryside Alliance costs.


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I was sum what surprised I clicked on the banner top of PW page, I looked at the membership costs £60.00 for one adult, blimey I thought it was cheaper than that, its academic really I have no intention of joining, Ill stick with the BASC,(yes I know it more) just never knew they were that expensive. (CA)


BASC is dedicated to shooting which in mind what I want and all shooters need regardless of discipline.


Also various shooting insurance company's these are not good for us as they don't actually support us, cheaper yes but not good.


Still after Hungerford, Dunblane, and the Cumbria incidents we are still fragmented into different supporting organisations, we need one unified UK body to support and campaign for us, instead it seems we are sliding into a hidden sport, frightened to tell your neighbours, colleagues, you all know I'm coming from.


look at the arrangements for pistol shooting for the Olympics its a joke.


Its time we all stood together. HA HA


It will never happen and slowly our rights will be eroded worse than they are now, look at what weve have lost since Hungerford and Dunblane.

(I loved my pistol shooting)



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I've been banging on the same drum for years.

I now have my doubts that we will ever achieve one unified representitive body.

I fear that there are too many employees in too many organisations all defending their little bit of the pie and job.

There could be massive savings derived from simple ecconomies of scale.

Also when you look more deeply into merging organisations some are in the black, but some are well into the red.

The obvious first merger to me would be BASC and CA, but I seriously doubt that I will ever witness it.



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Both organisations support the same things, but also different things, like a lot of other countrymen, I am a member of both.

You pay your money and take your choice.


We have had enough sporting organisation bashing/promoting threads in the past on Pigeon Watch, they are also "divisive".

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