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Pidgeon Shooting

john m

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Hello i have been on the forum for some time now and i would like to get into Pidgeon shooting i have been shooting clays for about a year.

I have been talking to several people where i go clay shooting and the overwhelming impression i get is reluctance it seems to be a closed shop to newcomers.

Any advice or contacts i can talk to i live in N.W Kent.

thanks in advance


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You'll find that the best plan is to go and knock on some farmers doors asking for permssion to shoot vermin over his land. It may well prove hard to find a pigeon shooter who is willing to take you shooting for all sorts of reasons. Osme can't because farmers wont allow guest shooters so to speak, others may not be willing to take someone low on experience, and some just dont want to for reasons of thier own. Pigeon shooting is easy enough to get into, but often you have to find your own way. After you have some permission, you could maybe swap a day out over yours for a shoot on someone elses so that you have some variety. :good:

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I am starting to see what the problems are,

Cant hit rabbits and Sits in hedges, its becoming clearer as to why the established shooters guard there permissions carefully i will have to start knocking on doors and talking to people at the clay clubs i see a lot of pigeon shooters at these places any more advice gratfully recieved.

many thanks


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