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Tikka T3 lite reload help please

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Hi All.


I was wondering if anyone could give me a little advice please. I have a Tikka T3 lite .308 and about to start re-loading. I think I will need to get some RCBS full length dies and use my friends Lee press, scales ect till I get my own.

I have some fired once norma brass that I have shot 150g with but would like to get better accuracy hence my new venture. I have no idea what powder to get or primers but intend to ask at the shop what will be good for it. What I would like to know is should I drop down in grains to 135 (the shop sells these)or lighter? I will mainly be using it for targets and the odd Deer but I could keep a few Normas back for the Deer (at £34.50 per box of 20 I don't want to shoot paper with them)


Thanks Ydp

Edited by yankeedoodlepigeon
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Hi YDP, according to the Tikka site your barrel is an 11 twist which makes it perfect for the mid-range weight bullets. I shoot a 12T in .308 w/ 155 BTHP Sierras over 47.7 of Varget w/WW brass Rem LR primers. These are all relevent as changing any one can have consequences. This load of Varget is on the high side so you would want to start well below that and work up---say 46. gr.

Varget is an outstanding powder in .308 and works well with the most used bullets. I would think that your gun would shoot 130's Ok but 150-165 seems to be the most popular as the BC is higher.

If you buy a FL die set you could back your resizing die out until you are just resizing about 1/2 of the neck--this gives a better chamber fit and better accuracy. The .308 isn't noted for case stretch so you needn't worry much about that. If there is a reloader close by enlist his/her help for the first 50 or so, it will save much confusion.

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Firstly get some Competition shell holders, these come in a set of various sizes with instructions. The idea is you find the point the shoulder is just being bumped no more, no less - cheap bit of kit that will pay you back in brass life.


Vhit N140 is maybee the most popular competition powder utilising 155 bullets. Unfortunatly to get the best out of it needs knoledge and experiance in spotting the pressure signs. Perhaps Varget? many seem to like it


Dont go too light a bullet the 308 is best with 150 range bullets in mostly all guns, for shorter range ie under 200 many like the stuff around 170

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