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Hello just looking for info had a day on rape yesterday just put the fuds out set them in 2 separate patterns with a 40 yard gap roughly for the kill zone days started brilliant birds commiting well. Then as it got around dinner time the birds just was not intrested so I decided to set my turbo flapper in between the 2 patterns. Birds was in the area could see them flying around .but as soon as it started to flap the veered of dramaticly. Is there any thing wrong with what im doing or the positining of my flapper an im under a flightline its usally busy all day. Do you think the turbo flapoer scares the birds or would you not have the flapoer with fuds. Thanks

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Hello just looking for info had a day on rape yesterday just put the fuds out set them in 2 separate patterns with a 40 yard gap roughly for the kill zone days started brilliant birds commiting well. Then as it got around dinner time the birds just was not intrested so I decided to set my turbo flapper in between the 2 patterns. Birds was in the area could see them flying around .but as soon as it started to flap the veered of dramaticly. Is there any thing wrong with what im doing or the positining of my flapper an im under a flightline its usally busy all day. Do you think the turbo flapoer scares the birds or would you not have the flapoer with fuds. Thanks

There is no reason why pigeons would flare off as your flapper flaps. Also no reason why fuds and a flapper can't be used together.

I imagine the pigeons were staying away for some other reason- it's easy to blame flappers/magnets etc when pigeons veer off.

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I personally would have put the flapper with one of the decoy sets.

My flapper works with a timer but I also have a remote on it, if they are jittery to it I switch it off as I see them heading to the decoys, but most days they don't mind the flapping.



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