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Been working on shedding weight from the shooting gear and got it down to 10kg's including the rucksack, excluding hide poles and magnet.


Can anyone recommend a magnet that is compact (possibly modular) and lightweight? I don't particularly want to shell out the best part of £200 for the UKSW one!


I don't even mind making a magnet but can't seem to find a geared motor which is upright like the UKSW one or the one below, so someone may be able to help on that front.


I've seen this on the 'bay, but don't know anything about them.....Anyone have one or know anything about them?



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i was toying with the idea of taking apart a cheapish power screwdriver to make one of these - the motor is powerfull enough, compact and inline. I wonder if its possible to utilise the speed control from the unit though :hmm:


Made a cpl from screwdrivers , one from a cheap in line screwdriver the other from a normal gun type.

If you use the gun type screwdriver most of their motors are connected to an inline planet gearbox, use the switch if its variable as they do like to draw a heavy current , sometimes a bit much for the usual bought speed controlers (burnt 2 out when I made mine ) :/

The lighter in line screwdrivers usualy do not have the same grunt as the gun type, ones I have tried work with hypas and light rods etc but real birds can be a bit heavy going for most.

Its all trial, guesstimate and give it a go.

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