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hard focusing


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It's a term that's relatively recently got into vogue which describes the act of following the clay with your eyes intently in the hope that you don't get distracted by anything else :rolleyes: .

Most good shooters would tell you that looking at the clay and not the barrels is a damn fine idea as the latter can lead one to stop swinging or trying to check/measure lead :yes: . Having said that, hard focus can be a bit OTT, personally I'd merely say keep your eyes on the clay. ;)

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When people talk about "Hard Focus" they are usually referring to what is often called central vision. The centre of each retina contains a small circular area called the fovea centralis which contains a high density of visual receptor cells. It is the eye equivalent of HD and only covers a tiny area of vision.The rest of the eye has a lower density of receptor cells and provides peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is sensitive to movement. Central vision is the part you use to read with.It also seems to be the part that your brain relies on for "hand to eye co-ordination". If you want to be able to place your shotgun in the correct place at the correct time you need to be seeing the target in your central vision. The peripheral vision is useful for picking up the initial movement of the target.Locking your central vision on a target for any length of time is difficult and needs practice.I hope this quick guide is helpful. :yes:

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