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I think trouble is almost inevitable at some point. they are a fascist organisation, like the National Trust, who don't like to consider traditional uses for land, and are only interested in creating some rose tinted view of how they imagine the world might have been in 1624. Good luck, enjoy it while you have it, but don't plan on being able to take the grandkids out there with you!

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I think trouble is almost inevitable at some point. they are a fascist organisation, like the National Trust, who don't like to consider traditional uses for land, and are only interested in creating some rose tinted view of how they imagine the world might have been in 1624. Good luck, enjoy it while you have it, but don't plan on being able to take the grandkids out there with you!


That's the problem - we don't have it any more.

We can only ever get a one season licence.

It expired on 31st Jan.

Now they won't even answer our emails or telephone calls.

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Have you contacted BASC, I would imagine you are all members. We pay our subscriptions for their legal dept to fight on our behalf for this sort of case. I believe David on the forums is a BASC rep so send him a PM.


I think that's sound advice. BASC aren't particularly flavour of the month with Wildfowlers at present but they are what we've got. This area is their expertise why not use it.

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Have you contacted BASC, I would imagine you are all members. We pay our subscriptions for their legal dept to fight on our behalf for this sort of case. I believe David on the forums is a BASC rep so send him a PM.



I think that's sound advice. BASC aren't particularly flavour of the month with Wildfowlers at present but they are what we've got. This area is their expertise why not use it.


BASC, have been involved in this for years. They have given us excellent support, advice and guidance. Two of their top men came down to an onsite meeting - NE/BASC/Syndicate - They have sent hundrends of emails, arranged conference telephone calls, chivied, cajoled and pushed.

I met with one BASC man just last week. We communicate with each other constantly.

The trouble is that if one party (NE) wont enter into discussions then no progress is ever made. NE own the marsh - They are the landlords - They hold all the aces - They know it...


Our little syndicate has just six members. I cannot think that any organisation would have given us better service than BASC. I have not always agreed with their actions on other matters but can't complain about the level of support they have given us over this.

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