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Pending FAC visit


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Iv got a visit soon as part of my co-term cert. Iv recently aquired permision to shoot a rimfire on a land i already shoot over. I've got some limited experiance with rifles having done a bit of deer stalking with estae guns. Could this pose a problem for my application.I heard others talking of a mentor...whats a that about? Certainly not something I want to get tangled up with! Also what kind of security should i consider round my home. Would an intruder alarm be worth installing or would that be going OTT?


Any advise is massively appreciated..



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as far as i'm aware you don't need an alarm just a secure cabinet that's not in obvious site..

however the more boxes you tick the more chance of getting your ticket i suppose.

the mentor thing that you mentioned could be that if you don't have a rifle or licence at the moment & haven't had one in the past you probably won't be granted a centrefire straight off especially one large enough for deer stalking.so if you have a friend who does! they may grant you one with the condition that you only use it under your friends supervision for the first year or so... but the more ammo you get through the more experience it proves your having! so that could speed things up a little.... :good:

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as far as i'm aware you don't need an alarm just a secure cabinet that's not in obvious site..

however the more boxes you tick the more chance of getting your ticket i suppose.

the mentor thing that you mentioned could be that if you don't have a rifle or licence at the moment & haven't had one in the past you probably won't be granted a centrefire straight off especially one large enough for deer stalking.so if you have a friend who does! they may grant you one with the condition that you only use it under your friends supervision for the first year or so... but the more ammo you get through the more experience it proves your having! so that could speed things up a little.... :good:


Thanks for the reply


Im not after a centrefire just yet. Was going to put down for .17HMR 22LR and maybe FAC air.. would this make a differance?

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It depends on the police force you are with.

The best way forward is for someone who has a rifle of the calibre you want (or perhaps bigger) to take you out and teach you how to use it safely, then you tell the FEO who trained you, they ring them to confirm it and everyone's happy.

If you don't know anyone who can do this then you may not get granted one, or you may get a mentor condition requiring you to have a mentor (someone with a certificate for a C/F rifle, I think it has to be the same calibre as yours but I'm not sure) with you whenever you want to shoot the C/F rifle(s).


Regarding a house alarm, your FEO will look at your security arrangements and will advise you if you need one. It's unlikely unless you are in a high crime rate or some other reason to concern them.

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