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Amateur mistake while fox calling


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I am lucky enough to have a small permission that has a few game birds on that also has a hill running onto what was once a keepered grouse moor. I had set myself a target of reducing any vermin around especially the fox that I had seen evidence of in the area. With this in mind I had armed myself with a webley scott fox call and a box of alphamax carts. After suffering the horror of a Saturday afternoon trip with the wife to the Trafford Center (i know what your thinking but she has just bought me a new silver pigeon :wub: ) I decided on therapy in the form of a hour round my permission at last light.


I had walked the long way round up one side of the hill toward a spot where I would be facing into the wind towards where I hoped the fox would be coming from. As I nearer my shooting spot the wind suddenly changed so that it was blowing hard against my back carrying my scent over the ground ahead. I sat myself on top of a large rock looking down the hill and had a few calls just in case anything stirred below me. What I should of done is kept an eye on what was happening behind me up-wind. Guess what after a few minutes I heard a rustling and turned to see the fox about 30 yards behind me turning sharp left into cover :no::no::no: . My second mistake was to jump up like a loony and head after him. I should of tried a few more squeaks just to see if I could tempt him in.


Ah well we all live and learn..... some more slowly than others :yes:

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A friend a myself were stalking last winter in the snow. We hadn't seen any deer tracks and decided that we would try for a fox. We gave a few squeaks and nearly crapped ourselves when a fox burst out of the hedge about 10 ft in front of us. Needless to say he survived as my heart was near burst never mind controlled.


Pg I would try again when you are free. There will be more than one in the area. Depending on the number of silage fields cut around you the fox may be hunting in the cut grass

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Same for last night, fox in the rape feild right on the edge, it moved I jump out of my skin but then the fox did too it froze for a second, if I'd had my shot gun would of had z fox but had the rifle, so I watched the rape move as it ran off. Did good tho didn't shoot at it and I know what time it was, out tomorrow with the shot gun lets hope.

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