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Hi all.


just managed to find a few minutes to put up a post .


We have been struggling to find pigeons in any quantities for a few weeks now, due to the miserable crappy weather we have had of late. Also due to the fact we have so much rape in our area that alternative crops are few and far between. On saturday morning I drove round our usual 1,000 mile trip and saw virtually nothing in the air or on the floor.


I pulled into a lay-by to wait for my mates to arrive right next to some linseed fields where I had spotted a couple of dozen on the floor earlier on.Upon their arrival the few pigeons had flew off over the hedgerow and so we decided to split up. I drove over to the back of the farm to clock the other fields, whilst the other 2 went mooching. I sat watching with his son, and a few were flitting about so I decided to try out our new regime for this year. Put out 1 magnet and 12 decoys, walk back to the jeep and get out the flask and WATCH. If the pigeons don't come back within half an hour, pick up and move on.


Within a few minutes the odd ones were flying about over the magnet, so we then humped all the gear out and set up.After a few hours we were up to about 70 shot and rang the other 2 to come and join us, as they had been on clover for a handful of birds.They arrived and setup further up the hedgerow at the tail end of my pattern and when we picked up we had counted 107 with 6 not retrievable.


At long last; a steady day in the warm sunshine (for a change).We all had some top shots especially Alan with his moonwalker one and myself dropping 2 with one shot as they flew across each other.













Apologies about the cameraman. but if it hasn't got a heinz label on the front, he ain't got a clue.


VIDEOS to follow when I can edit out the sweary words. lol(Especially Alan's moonwalker.)


Dave K


Edited by Topgunners
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