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New gun

Robbie uk

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I like my super 10 177 bull barrel i have 3 mags with mine one has an alloy centre thats been ok but the other two did give me some problems :sad1: so i had a look on you tube and came across a vid how to take the mags apart and get rid of all the burrs in them and up the spring tension. Very easy job :yahoo:, They are sweet now and never let me down. :good: Happy :shoot:

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What brass adapter? The one to fill the air bottle? I have a spare one! £10 plus p&p!


Oh by the way, I did say welcome to the S10 club on the Hunting Life....



Mini Me with a dinner....


Enjoy it mate! I expect Secret Agent Mole will be especially pleased for you - it's rare to find him NOT singing his praises for the super 10, so it looks like you should be onto a winner


lets us know how you get one with it! This your first air rifle, or just your first PCP?



If you don't mind I have had the HW100 out recently....

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I have a spare (the wife has a Bull Barrel carbine in .22, I have the .177 carbine, I also have a spare we bought ages ago for about £20 so you can have that one sir, will PM payment details to you tomorrow. I will send it first class signed for so you have a tracking number to check.


PS the hole the air goes through is included free under the stamp!


If you are getting good accuracy with the RWS then good, I use Crosman Premier Super Magnums myself, had a lot of success with them in BSA and HW rifles!

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I wouldn`t sell the mags mate mine are 177 anyway :no: . Put in super 10 on ebay you might get what your looking for. If its the filling adapter your after try www.best-fittings.couk. Are you filling by pump or air bottle. 232 Bar by pump is hard work :sad1: . The buddy bottle o rings don`t last long so i would get some in they start to weep air and its only a few seconds of a job. When taking the buddy bottle of the gun if it still as air in it. Turn the buddy bottle one and half turns then cock and fire the gun six times or more and it should run out of air if not turn the bottle another half turn and try again till it runs out of air. This helps not to damage the o ring and the brass threads. My super 10 is the bull barrel one so i can only have a 200cc bottle on mine but with the super 10 being regulated so no power curve i still get over a 100 shots per fill :good: . Yours my have the 400cc bottle 232 bar on it and that should give you 200 to 250 full power shots :good: . There is a vid on you tube showing you how to take the bottle of the gun and fill it :thumbs: . Happy :shoot:

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To fill gun, remove magazine and ensure breech is empty! Give air bottle half a turn ANTI clockwise, dry fire 8 shots, another half turn anti clockwise, fire 8 more shots, when it stops going pop and you can only hear the action your regulator is empty and the bottle can be removed!


Fill to 232 bar, replace and listen to it hiss and fill the regulator, prolonged hissing means you need a new air bottle o ring!


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Hi Robbie, I`m sure you`ll have lots of fun with your Air Rifle. I spent years shooting with rifles [FAC] but now just concentrate on using Air Rifles. I found the whole switch over from FAC a real challenge but I must admit I`m enjoying every minute of it. :good:

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