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Hunting Law Case


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I am extremely suprised he was found guilty given the evidence.


The law, not just this one, is an *** and has been shown to be a complete waste of time and money. Thankfully 65k has been wasted to give someone a slap on the wrist, I hope he appeals and wastes even more of their money (as has been said in the other thread).


It sounds like he honestly was trying to stay within the law, which is a complex piece of legislation, to the best of his understanding. It sounds to me like the judge must have agreed with him, however there was a minor technical infringement for which he was suitably punished.


So, by my calculations it costs hunts £250/fox whilst it costs those who disagree £32,500/fox


Seems fair to me :no:


Sad that the only people to gain in this terrible waste of time and effort are the lawyers who must be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of further prosecutions. I don't think this huntsman will be doing things a lot different in future, and a lot of other hunts now have further clarification and precident upon which to make some useful adjustments to how they operate.

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