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Two perfect shots....


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I decided to have an evening out down the permission, so got the HW ready for action and went down to the wood. Had a hypo so had a can of cola and checked zero on the tin, sometimes nice to be childish. I decided to rest up and let my blood sugar level recover. Pocketed the LRF and set off round. I saw a rabbit and decided to try and get close, as I got closer so the rabbit hopped off. I managed to stalk to 40 metres. Rabbit was tail towards me, scoffing. Waited and it was still scoffing, waited, still eating, 5 bleeding minutes later and Pacrabbit is still ruddy scoffing! So I tried a new trick, I made the kit distress noise. Head up into crosshairs, two over (zero thirty metres, 5 metre steps at x5 mag), fired, rolled and kicked. Bunny down!



Showing shot placement.


Nothing else was stirring so I went round to the sheep paddock. I saw one away from the flock so I decided to try and get this one. I ducked so I looked like a paramilitary Quasimodo as I tried to keep below the nettle line. I got to Nettly Knoll and poked my head above the nettles. Rabbit was still scoffing, so I lasered it, 30 metres, ideal. I got a good line up on it, fired, once again, roll and one kick. I had to go through the nettles, across the Ditch of Doom and then get over the sheep fence. In pick up rabbit, watch as sheep gallop over to investigate the animated bush. Avoid sheep, jump back over fence and get back to the wood.



Shot placement on second bun!




A couple of the couple!


After that I only managed to spook them trying to get into firing positions, so must practise stalking again or just wait for the nettles to get taller!

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I have been type one since I was 10. If I am too high I cannot aim, I feel prickly, things are tougher to do, so I then try to walk it off. If I am hypo, hell, the gun goes straight on the floor, safety on. I have to recover, too damned dangerous. if you go seriously hypo you can't hold yourself up, let alone a gun!

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When I was type one I had a bad hypo once and my mate left me by the side of a road while he ran back a couple of miles to fetch the car-without thinking he had laid the shotgun next to me-by the time he arrived a police car was "at the scene" of a reported suicide-can laugh about it now but the occiffers were not really impressed :blush: Mind you-the police had proved themselves before by 1/Searching for me when i had gone shooting without taking my insulin first (I had seen them several times but hid because I ,erm,was not supposed to be where I was.And 2/racing to a nearby village with lights and siren on to get me a can of coke (oddly enough they brought it back to me rather than taking me with them?)

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Best laugh I has was in the 80s, went on holiday to Whitby on my own (first time as a solo holidaymaker), the North Yorks Moors Railway was slightly delayed, but BR had set off and the connection was missed, well muggins here was in a panic, had to get back to my b&b for my dinner. Cue copper in SDY1 road pursuit car, asks me what the problem was, I explain, he says, "Jump in lad I have always wanted to do this!", then he picks up the radio "car to base, medical emergency run, Grosmont to Whitby, diabetic, taking him now!", lights, sirens, and Rover V8 screaming as he stood on the accelerator, I have never been so fast through the North Yorks countryside, and my dad lived up there for over a decade too, he made that thing fly. Got me back in a few minutes, doorstep service, made the landlady look!

Edited by secretagentmole
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When I was type one I had a bad hypo once and my mate left me by the side of a road while he ran back a couple of miles to fetch the car-without thinking he had laid the shotgun next to me-by the time he arrived a police car was "at the scene" of a reported suicide-can laugh about it now but the occiffers were not really impressed :blush: Mind you-the police had proved themselves before by 1/Searching for me when i had gone shooting without taking my insulin first (I had seen them several times but hid because I ,erm,was not supposed to be where I was.And 2/racing to a nearby village with lights and siren on to get me a can of coke (oddly enough they brought it back to me rather than taking me with them?)



What do you mean when? You are always type one. Type one is Juvenile onset (the damned condition strikes in childhood), Type two is Senior onset (ie middle aged and above). You never stop being type one, even when you are 80!

Edited by secretagentmole
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No no no, it is to do with the age it strikes you. Type 1 is juvenile onset, type 2 is middle or senior age onset.


type 1


Type 2


I became diabetic when I was 10, had it for over 33 years! Eeeh the old days, had to reuse needles and had glass syringes, drug addicts got free dispoables then, diabetics did not. All changed now!


The rabbit is being converted into Bunny Burgers a la HFW for dinner tonight!

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Great report and shooting SaMole, i have just returned from my bunny bashing session out for 6hrs and got 35 , this shoot has bunnies every where, the last session i was there with my shooting mate phil we got 60 between us and there are still plenty for the next visit,i must admit to using a 22lr annie though my favourite little rimfire.

regds brian

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I became type one at the age of thirteen-37 years ago-Oxfords Churchill hospital popped me in a spare Pancreas and Kidney that they had laying around 7 years ago-not needed a drop of Insulin since.Strangely enough I miss Diabetes in some ways-I had it for most of my life and kinda got used to it-kept the weight off as well.

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