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Cleaning of a .223 and break in process


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I finally pick up my cz .223 tomorrow. :no:

I will then be taking direct to the gunsmith in the next village to me for threading to fit the DM8 reflex moderator.

Do any of you advocate a break in procedure for a new cf barrel?

What is your cleaning regime?

I am ex military and shot 7.62 and 9mm H&K mp5's, we used to clean every time with pull through and oil ,never scrubbed with a brush.

Some of my mates leave dirty and clean once a year,I am not to comfortable with this and would like to hear your advice.Especially as .223 will leave copper deposits in the barrel

I made the mistake of cleaning my .22 rimmy once,it grouped like a shotgun for the next 100 rounds or so.


Thanks , Reefman :no:

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Lots about this on the web, 2 schools of thought, "do it" and "don't bother"


I ran my Tikka in, well a bit anyway.


Cleaned it first.

Then fired 1 cleaned it

Then 2 more cleaned it

Then 3 more cleaned it

Then 5

Then 10


Now about every 30 shots or so.


I use a rod an patches with Butches Bore Shine, I don't use brushes.

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I have a CZ .223.

I clean everytime i use it, no matter if iv fired 1 shot or 20, if i dont shot it everyday, or every other day.

I spray forest foam down the bore when i get in.

Leave it all day or all night if iv been out lamping.

Patch it out, then use KG 3 degreaser to patch out any resedue.

Then i soak a patch soaked in Hoppes Copper solvent and run it on a Parker Hale rod down the bore, leave it to soak for 1/2 hour or so.

Patch this out.

Then, with a patch, i soak the bore in penatrating oil ( WD40 ect).

I then get a good quality bronze brush and push this threw once all the way out, for every shot taken.

Then with a patch soaked in KG 3 degreaser, patch out the oil.

I you are using the rifle every other day or everyday then no need to clean, only after 20 odd shots.

If after cleaning, you are not going to shoot the rifle for a while, then put a drop or 2 of gun oil on a patch and push this threw and store the rifle safely, without the bolt.

Store bolt in another part of the house, well hidden, prefarabley, in a ammo safe. :no:


On breaking in the rifle, i would agree with stuart. :no:


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I clean after every outing .......1 shot or 20 it makes no difference


My intentions are'nt to confuse or put a spanner in the works but I would refrain from using oil at all in the barrel unless the rifle is going into storage for some time ...........Even with a slovent cleaner afterwards I found from personal experience that shots 1 & 2 (Although in the kill zone at 100yds )were off zero :no: ..........The same would happen if I use a bronze brush :no:


As a result my regime is as follows

Butches Bore Shine ,a jag and some course muslin patches and fine cotton patches and basically patch out until the patch is clear with no or little traces of blue on them and finish off with the fine cotton for dry patching afterwards .


A Bore guide is a must ..........As for running the barrel in i did,nt bother because i did'nt know I had to at the time as I was'nt on a forum and did'nt know anyone to advise me . :no: .......Rifle shoots like a dream BTW :no:

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