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Better chance throwing stones!


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On thursday I bought a Morgan folding 410. It's a lovely little gun! I've been having problems shooting anything though, I've shot one rabbit but missed MANY MANY more! I've put up some wood panels and shot them for 25-30 yards, it's seems to be shooting very very low! Anyone else experience their folding 410 hard to shoot with?? It's annoying because I can nail rabbits at a good 30 yards with my uncles 410! Pain in the back side! I'm using layvales, the blue ones? I've always used eley four longs in the past with great success, surely cartridges cant vary that much?? Help needed! Cheers

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Has your gun got a moderator on? Many seem to find they have to blot out the target when using a moderator.

I have a folding gun (not moderated) and I too struggle to hit anything with it, you have to get used to shooting above your target. Strange that they seem to shoot low, looking at mine I'd have said the opposite, but like you I find it to be very low.

The only thing I can suggest is to either learn to shoot high, or perhaps you can change your mount so that you are seeing more barrel/rib? Perhaps something to raise your head a bit on the stock could achieve this?

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Is your stock a little long for you?

Demepnding how low your shooting, you can try shortening your stock slightly if you can remove shims or butt pad spacer. If you don't have spacers, try taking off the bit pad and shoot without it to see if the guns shoots higher. Only after trying should you consider shortening the stock.

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Never seen a .410 with a stock too long for any one other than a child, the problem is the comb is too low buy a stick on pad (kick easy do them )from the gunshop I did with my Yelditz and shot 22 at skeet yesterday




In that case I stand corrected

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Yeah mine is weird , the barrel is set half a cm lower than the rest of the gun not flush like most shotguns, I will try shooting above it, hopefully this works! What ammunition do you lot reccomend for rabbits and squirrels? The stock certainly isn't to long, I'm almost 6 ft 6 so it could be longer if anything , cheers

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