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Ultra Regulator


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Hey all, nothings confirmed yet but im thinking of flogging my aa s410 and buying a single shot ultra to help me fund a car! You might think im mad changing out for an ultra but ive always had a liking for them! :rolleyes: Anyway, i was wondering roughly how much a regulator would be (with fitting of course) and where/who does them? Ive heard of the famous John Bowkett, does he do regs for ultras? And one more question, what mod do you ultra owners use? ive used one with the older standart moderator and its pants! Thanks, Matt


And heres a pic of my cousin's ultra :)


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I use a SAK moderator - it's a bit shorter than the Weihrauch.


My gun isn't regulated but I've never heard a bad word said about the one made by Tweaky/Tench.


Search for "Tweaky" on AirgunBBS.com or contact www.xtxair.co.uk.


Hope this helps.





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Hey all, nothings confirmed yet but im thinking of flogging my aa s410 and buying a single shot ultra to help me fund a car! You might think im mad changing out for an ultra but ive always had a liking for them! :rolleyes: Anyway, i was wondering roughly how much a regulator would be (with fitting of course) and where/who does them? Ive heard of the famous John Bowkett, does he do regs for ultras? And one more question, what mod do you ultra owners use? ive used one with the older standart moderator and its pants! Thanks, Matt


And heres a pic of my cousin's ultra :)



Don`t sell an Air Arms S410 for a peace of **** Ultra. :crazy:. Your s410 is by far superior. :good:

You can get a Audrius Regulator for about £70 and they are very easy to fit have a look on YOU TUBE there`s loads of vids on fitting a Regulator. :good:

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