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Well myself and one of the other PW members took my NS200 out for it's first trip last night and I thought you may like to hear how it performs.

It was aneventful evening that did no start to well as both of our land rovers decided to thow a hissy fit at the 12 hour so after a bit of begging we borrowed my mates mrs car and we were of.

The NS 200 though did everything that nite site said it would, mounting to the rifle took a couple of minuets and once you set the eye relief (only need to do this once and then leave it alone) we were shooting, clarity of the screen at night is awesome and you can spot bunnies at huge distances and they didn't even know they were being watched, the first shot was successful and so were many more over the course of the evening. One thing that does take some getting used to though is gageing the distance of the quary but after a short time you soon get used to it and wondered why someone hasn't brought something like this out before,something we did learn very quickly though was that if like me you have a quite large mod mines a Hogan that as you zoom in on your target that the bottom of the screen starts to White out but this is easily over come by putting a non reflective cover on your mod. All in all though it is a stunning bit of kit that i thourghly enjoyed using and can't wait for the next trip now I have a bit of experience with it. :good::good:

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Hi Chris, i am glad you liked the ns200, i also own one infact i was amongst the first people

to get one,i have modified my ns200 by mounting on the scope with the cobra/merlin dsa and

a screen tint cover to cut down screen glare, replacing the supplied battery with a 4/5 ah lithium battery

you can buy off ebay,, i hope you carry on enjoying a good piece of kit.

regards brian

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Hi Chris, i am glad you liked the ns200, i also own one infact i was amongst the first people

to get one,i have modified my ns200 by mounting on the scope with the cobra/merlin dsa and

a screen tint cover to cut down screen glare, replacing the supplied battery with a 4/5 ah lithium battery

you can buy off ebay,, i hope you carry on enjoying a good piece of kit.

regards brian


Like Brian, I have done some modifications to mine. I also fitted a DSA and had a screen tint filter(via Mick Miller)

I have'nt got a lithium battery yet, but the one supplied is not that heavy. I actually use a 7amp/hr one instead.


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