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Legal Question

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This may be an obvious one :blush:


A friend of mine has applied for his SGC and waiting for it to come through. He's due to go and have a day on the woodies this weekend with another friend who is a SGC holder.


Regards cartridges, obviously he can't buy any, but if I bought them, could I give them to the non SGC holder to take along himself? Or do I need to get the cartridges to my other friend who is a SGC holder?


Note this does not include a gun off course, the SGC holder will have that already.




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Yes you can buy cartridges and give them to him. A SGC is required only to buy cartridges, not possess them :good:



That was my understanding, I just needed to be 100%




I didn't think, I could ask BASC :blush: Been with them 5 years so should get something for my money :yes:

Just called them and they confirmed that a non SGC holder can carry cartridges :good:

Thought that was the case but wanted to make sure....


Thanks Welshlamb

Edited by Cosd
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Guess it's legal, but not in the spirit of the law


Could cause a few hours hold up if stopped by the police as to why he had them on him.



Legal....spirit of the law :hmm:


Not quite sure I got that. But regards getting stopped, probably no different to any of us getting stopped with no SGC handy and having guns in the car!


He's BASC insured even though he doesn't have his SGC yet, so long as it's within the law then I don't have any issues with it at all.




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