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Ive take the plunge and bought a ten bore


It requires some tlc but all looks positive


Next task, reloading.


I've reloaded for a while on the 12bore but have no data on 10s


Any one know the best place to get it?



What sort of thing are you looking for? I've got some data for good steel loads or bismuth and even hevishot. You'd be spending a few quid on components, though.

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I was going to load mine from the off with Bismouth, leaving the chokes full and full. After looking at costs of consumables and semi consumables plus tooling more fully i thought NO WAY! and got it bored 1/2 and 1/2 and now feed it remmington Nitro steel , BB goes clean through 12mm ply at 50yds and costs £28 for 25 :good: The other options were like 4-5 times that per shell and a KG of bismouth dont go so far with a ten :oops:

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What sort of thing are you looking for? I've got some data for good steel loads or bismuth and even hevishot. You'd be spending a few quid on components, though.

As others have said, it's very expensive to fire other than steel in a 10!


I'm use to loading steel in my 3inch 12b, so anything on steel if you can?

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