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Night Vision


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Being new to night vision I just wondered if the general opinion is still to use a lamp to first scout the land to catch a shining pair of eyes then turn it off and let the NV scope be your eyes ? I have found my NV unit brilliant but different to my normal lamping nights and procedures, your way of doing things would be good to know. Does infra red light show up eyes ? I was thinking of getting an IR filter for my lamp



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Being new to night vision I just wondered if the general opinion is still to use a lamp to first scout the land to catch a shining pair of eyes then turn it off and let the NV scope be your eyes ? I have found my NV unit brilliant but different to my normal lamping nights and procedures, your way of doing things would be good to know. Does infra red light show up eyes ? I was thinking of getting an IR filter for my lamp




You will only see ir light up eyes when looking through your nv.

To save your tube you could do an initial scan of a field with your nv,then as you walk around do a quick sweep with your torch,if a pair of eyes pop up,torch off,nv on and get squeaking.


If you are using nv you can get an ir filter for your lamp,but be careful as your lamp is powerful and you will only need a bit of ir light,it's handy to have a dimmer switch on your lamp.


Personally i would just get a good torch to do a sweep with,and then use your nv with an ir torch or better still a laser,which will make those eyes glow.

Edited by welsh1
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Being new to night vision I just wondered if the general opinion is still to use a lamp to first scout the land to catch a shining pair of eyes then turn it off and let the NV scope be your eyes ? I have found my NV unit brilliant but different to my normal lamping nights and procedures, your way of doing things would be good to know. Does infra red light show up eyes ? I was thinking of getting an IR filter for my lamp




Nick please dont mind me asking but what NV unit are you using?

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Nick please dont mind me asking but what NV unit are you using?



I was very naughty and bought the litton gen2 off a member on here,it really is good no moon the other night could see no problem but they had to be moving to catch my eye.It didnt come with IR so am looking in to that


Thanks Welsh1 I have a good lamp but last year there were alot of strangers coming up here with shot guns, you know the rest. Light on, fox 200 yards away, big bang fox runs off and keeps running every time it sees a light

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Get one of these on your gen2 and you will be amazed at the difference.



You will be shocked at how many bunnies there are out there,and mr fox will never know you were watching him.


Thanks will have a read up thats the sort of advice I was hoping for


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Ive been using US gen3 for more than 10yrs now and still use a lamp on certain occasions as described above ie quick scan with NV with IR to pick up eye shine before the use of lamp as you will always get the few times the fox is right in front of you...if not then few calls then sweep with lamp once spotted lamp off then on to NV to watch it come into a safe area to shoot.



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Ive been using US gen3 for more than 10yrs now and still use a lamp on certain occasions as described above ie quick scan with NV with IR to pick up eye shine before the use of lamp as you will always get the few times the fox is right in front of you...if not then few calls then sweep with lamp once spotted lamp off then on to NV to watch it come into a safe area to shoot.




Thanks Mick do you use an IR filter on your light or IR led's or the laser IR I am interested to know if an IR laser sends out a solid beam of light. If I don't go for the laser Welsh1 reccomended it would be easy to have an IR filter on my lamp that could flip up to give me a white lamping light lots of options :hmm:


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Thanks Mick do you use an IR filter on your light or IR led's or the laser IR I am interested to know if an IR laser sends out a solid beam of light. If I don't go for the laser Welsh1 reccomended it would be easy to have an IR filter on my lamp that could flip up to give me a white lamping light lots of options :hmm:



I use IR lasers for a sharp beam which can either flood or sharp point to fit the view through NV i have a IR filter for my light force lamp but never thought there was any use in using it cause as soon as i spot a fox with the white light i then knock it off and use my NV monocular with IR laser to spot then when fox is in good safe range then i get behind rifle again with a NV scope attached.

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Thanks again I think wales1 gave me a good link so will go with this or very similar http://www.nvscopes....or%20N1000.html


That laser is the one i use on my dedicated gen2,as barrelsniffer said you can adjust the beam from flood to pin point.also it has adjustable power setting on the rear,so you can have it on low power and then turn it up as needed.It is a great laser.

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