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new game dealer required

Tel Time

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I use this guy




14 Sutton Street




Telephone: (01327) 340672

Mobile: 07976 721759




If that is Anthony Garrett I have always found when I ring that they are paying an absolute pittance. IIRC last year they were offering 30p for a shot rabbit and about 20p for a pigeon.

Peterboro Game Company pay £1 per rabbit and 40p per pigeon and collect from your home so all your money doesn't end up in the petrol tank delivering them. They cover a very wide area too.

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im not saying this to be an **** but it does not seem to be very clear, as in all things shooting, what is right and what is wrong, can you direct me to the relevant government legislation?


About 30 years ago the government of the day decided to ban the sale of wild geese . This was due to pressure from a number of wild life organizations . This was to stop the market gunning of wild geese . You can shoot them for your own consumption and you can give them away ,but you cannot offer them for sale . I really cannot be botherd to look up the relevant acts ,but take it from me it is so unless it has been changed ,but I dont think it has .


Harnser .

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Taken from BASC. Does this help??



Sporting Agents and Guides Offering Inland Goose Shooting



1. Goose shooting is a traditional and highly-valued recreation for many people. If carried out responsibly it brings sustainable economic benefits to rural areas and helps prevent damage to crops.

2. Agents and guides must make their clients aware of the law concerning goose shooting, in particular that:

(a) it is illegal to use a semi-automatic or repeating shotgun with a magazine capacity of more than two cartridges for shooting geese or other wildfowl.

(B) it is illegal to use a tape recording to attract geese for shooting.

© it is illegal to sell, exchange or barter wild geese or any part of them (only sufficient birds should be shot to satisfy the requirements of the shooters or their friends).

(d) the shooting of ducks and geese in Scotland on a Sunday is prohibited.

(e) penalties for each of the above offences would be a fine of £5,000 (maximum) and/or a custodial sentence of up to six months.

3. Putting out food to attract geese for shooting is completely unacceptable and those responsible for shooting parties must ensure that farmers on whose land they shoot do not do so.

4. There should not be more than eight guns in a shooting party which must be supervised by at least one experienced guide who has been properly briefed as to his responsibilities.

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i read the original transcript from the session ....and woke up two hours later... i think the get out clause is the one about small quantities,

I can be bothered though as i have been fed a load of tosh about other things e.g the shooting of canadian geese is not permitted all year ( that came from N.E) and the sale of wood pigeon not being permitted if not gutted, ( i kid you not!) so i will carry on looking for the relevant facts with no disrespect to your good self and your advice, there is nothing, as far as i can see, that tells the new, or even old, shooter what is allowed and what is not, there is a general apathy among shooters to update themselves on what the, current, law is and this is NOT where we need to be as a group.


Who amongst you has read the gen licence.

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i have looked as well, one department says one thing, the other another?? ???


I think its always best to er on the side of caution but its so bloody frustrating that we, as shooters, are like mushrooms, it's a wonder that we aren't all carted off and locked up as soon as we receive our licences, its so frustrating to actually get to the facts and to know what is right and what will get you locked up, because, lets face it, if you do screw up that's it, you lose and go to jail, end of :angry: I am a member of BASC and do phone for advice on occasion, but there should be something to start with, a booklet, leaflet, anything! but there is not, there is only what we get from our fellow shooters and that does leave a lot to be desired on occasion.


And as always if not sure then don't pull the trigger.

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Tel Time,

if you are shooting them under general licence you are only allowed to sell pigeons. Below is an extract from http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/Images/wlc-gl04_tcm6-24149.pdf



h) Birds killed or taken under this licence may be eaten, but, with the exception of the woodpigeon

(Columba palumbus), may not be sold for human consumption.




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Steven, i phoned natural england about the Canadian Geese and it was them that told me that they were protected and i shouldn't shoot them, if i believed the first thing i was told then i wouldn't have enjoyed a wonderful slow cooked goose, there are so many misinformed people out there that have no idea about shooting and hunting that its scary, also if i took the excerpt that you provided above then i would never be able to sell rabbits on, do you see what i mean now?

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Steven, i phoned natural england about the Canadian Geese and it was them that told me that they were protected and i shouldn't shoot them, if i believed the first thing i was told then i wouldn't have enjoyed a wonderful slow cooked goose, there are so many misinformed people out there that have no idea about shooting and hunting that its scary, also if i took the excerpt that you provided above then i would never be able to sell rabbits on, do you see what i mean now?


Hi Tel Time,

the general licence linked in my reply is for the birds listed on the licence, not rabbits. Their are different licences for different reasons, as I am sure you are already aware. Rabbits are covered by a different set of legislation.


That is good to hear about the goose though. Have you got the recipe as I may have a few on my permissions later this year.



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its the way its seen or interpreted that's the problem, if i didn't now look at the general licence then from what you said it could be construed that wood pigeon was the only thing that could be sold, if you where a newbie at shooting then might you not take it as gospel what some one told you?


Game dealer sorted Peterborough game dealer, quid a rabbit, 40p a bird, £3 a kilo venison except for smellies and cwd, very nice chap called Richard 01778393813,


My wife says the recipe is like doing a steak stew, tomato sauce to give it a zest, chalots, oxo for the gravy and loads of wet stuff, if you like ale then whack a half pint in, not too dark and cook for as long as you can resist the smell (6-8 hours)


I am going to start this one in a new thread now.

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