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good day out after olicks (ling).


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a mate from work offered to take me out for a run in the boat yesterday so i jumped at the chance as i havnt been out fishing this year and was hardly out last year either. not far out from the pier we stopped to try for bait and fell in with mackerel straight away so we took enough for a couple of feeds each then enough for some bait. we tried a couple of places for ling without much success so we thought we would try for a haddock. no haddocks to be seen but we did get a whiting a couple of cod and some more mackerel. with the tide a bit stronger we tried for ling again and this time they were taking better and in a short time we had 20, we could have had more as they were taking better all the time but i had to be home to look after the kids.


sorry the pics arent great but as you can see from the first one it was a cracking day to be out in the boat.




cleaning the fish on the way in.




not huge ling but good for the pot.



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